Japanese Perspectives on the Death of Christ : A Study in Contextualized Christology
How Chuang Chua presents a study in contextualized Christology through the writings of Kitamori, Endo, and Koyama as an insight into Japanese culture and theology. Dr. Chua evaluates their writings for biblical fidelity, compares them to classical theories of the atonement, and explores their missiological relevance.
Mission: Concept in Context: Post-Communism Religious Revival in Eastern Central Europes Experienced in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
In a recent decade, there has been unprecedented religious revival in Central and Eastern Europe. The book is a case study about Seventh-day Adventist mission in Hungary. It argues that the church needs reflection and understanding of its own people and place in society as well as overall theology and praxis in the light of biblical teachings.
People in Mission: An Autobiographical Reflection
From a Peruvian Baptist perspective, Samuel Escobar presents pen-portraits of personalities who embody the life and inheritance of Baptist mission in the world. Reflecting on his experience, he draws lessons for mission practice and theology, valuable for mission practitioners in all denominations.
Undivided Witness: Jesus followers, community development, and least-reached communities
This book presents 10 key principles linking community development and the emergence of vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the 'least reached.' 12 practitioners explore this uncharted missiological space, drawing on decades of serving learning among communities in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and South, Central and Southeast Asia.
What Is Integral Mission?
The integral mission movement has flourished admirably, in Latin America and around the world-especially in the Majority World. While there is still work to be done in local churches, we can praise God for the progress we have seen in the practice of integral mission and hope this publication contributes to extending and deepening it even more.
Worship Music & Culture: The Case of the Songhai of Niger
This book is a case study of the African Christian community among the Songhai and its worship music. The author builds a model for further research and experimentation in the worship of other Christian communities. Included in the discussion are insights of ethno-musicology, worship study, anthropology, theology, missiology, and history.
Gap and Eul: Korean Patron-Client Dynamics in Church Planting in Cambodia
Patronage governs most relationships in Global South cultures. Unfortunately, missionaries rarely recognize this prominent cultural reality which creates problems for missionaries and national pastors. This book highlights the relationship between patron and pastor where aid dependency is a relational concept rather than an economic one.
Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity
Vol 20: Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity marks the coming-of-age of an ecumenical Pentecostal mission theology. These collected papers constitute a transnational dialogue over the meaning, shape and future of Pentecostal-charismatic missiology, offering a launching point for reflections on Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity as a distinctive global mission movement.
Ecumenical Missiology: Changing Landscapes and New Conceptions of Mission
On our way forward in our local, regional and global contexts, Vol 35: Ecumenical Missiology provides what we need to continue to share and to receive, to study and to serve, to work and to pray, as we participate in the mission of God.
Interfaith Relations after One Hundred Years: Christian Mission among Other Faiths
Vol 8: Interfaith Relations After One Hundred Years reflects not only the acceptance and celebration of Indian Christian pluralism, but also by extension an acceptance as well as a need for unity among Indian Christians of different denominations.
Inequality, Corruption and the Church: Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Church
Why are economic inequalities greatest in southern countries, such as the Philippines, Kenya and Peru, where most people are Christians? Inequality, Corruption and the Christian Churches teases out the web of influences that have created this situation, and urges Christians to reduce economic inequalities by opposing corruption.
Integral Mission: A New Paradigm for Latin American Pentecostals
Integral Mission explains how Pentecostals in Latin America connect to the topic of God's mission in the world today. From the colours, societies, politics and contexts that shape its collective face, this book portrays a Pentecostalism that is diverse and multifaceted, situated in a constantly changing reality.
Jesus and the Cross: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts
How do Christians living in contexts where Islam is a majority or minority religion experience, express or think of the cross? Jesus and the Cross is a collection of papers that presents scriptural, contextual and theological reflections on this question.
Jesus and the Incarnation: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts
Sharing the voices of Christians living in various Islamic contexts, Jesus and the Incarnation promotes a positive environment for Christian-Muslim dialogue about the Cross, the Incarnation and the Resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus and the Resurrection: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts
Jesus and the Resurrection seeks to build a bridge between Christians and Muslims around the resurrection of Jesus. Third in a trilogy of Christians living in Islamic contexts, this book is a meeting of sorts in the irreconcilable chasm between Muslim and Christian beliefs about Jesus.
Jesus in Africa: The Christian Gospel in African History and Experience
Jesus in Africa is the first in a series entitled Theological Reflections from the South, which aims to make accessible within Africa, in both English and French, some of the creative thinking emerging from the Southern continents.
Jubilee: God's Answer to Poverty?
At the heart of Old Testament law is a revolutionary concept that, if applied today, could transform our economy and world: jubilee. Uniting social justice, creation care, equality and worship, Jubilee presents a radical challenge and helps us understand the redemptive, restorative power of the jubilee principles today.
Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission
Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission is the first volume of research about Korean missions in diasporic contexts, appraising and evaluating these missions with practical illustrations, and drawing on a wide diversity of research.
Leadership and Authority: Bula Matari and Life-Community Ecclesiology in Congo
Leadership and Authority proposes that Christian theology in Africa can have a significant impact if a critical understanding of the socio-political situation in contemporary Africa is taken seriously. Departing from the problematic, colonial Bula Matari model, this book examines liberation and authority with Christian principles.
Leadership Expectations: How Executive Expectations are Created and Used in a Non-Profit Setting
Leadership Expectations is an in-depth study of expectations and how one leader creates and uses them to shape a university, its culture and its success. Following the executive and personal development of leaders, as well as the values they emulate, the organization touches lives and increases its capacity for good.
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