The Executed God: The Way of the Cross in Lockdown America, Second Edition
The new edition of Mark Lewis Taylor’s award-winning The Executed God is both a searing indictment of the structures of “Lockdown America” and a visionary statement of hope.
Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders
Theological conversations about violence typically frame the conversation in terms of victim and perpetrator. Comprehensive theological responses to violence must also address the role of collective passivity of bystanders of violence. Beyond Apathy examines the theological significance of bystander participation in patterns of violence and violation within contemporary Western culture, giving particular attention to the social issues of bullying, white racism, and sexual violence. In doing so, it constructs a theology of redeeming grace for bystanders to violence that foregrounds the significance of social action in bringing about God's community.
Bodies of Peace: Ecclesiology, Nonviolence, and Witness
Covering several great Christian thinkers, this book explores how each theologians' advocacy for nonviolent resistance depends deeply upon the ecclesiology out of which it comes.
The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition
Simon J. Joseph contends that missing from scholars' various conceptions of the "messiah" are the unique conceptions of an Adamic redeemer figure in the Enochic material-conceptions that informed the Q tradition and, he argues, Jesus' own self-understanding.
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The Power and Vulnerability of Love: A Theological Anthropology
Gandolfo constructs a theological anthropology that begins with the condition of human vulnerability as a site to answer why human beings experience and inflict terrible suffering. This volume argues that vulnerability is a dimension of human existence that causes us great anxiety, which forms the basis for violence but also affords the possibility of human openness to the redemptive work of divine love.
Rethinking Early Christian Identity: Affect, Violence, and Belonging
Maia Kotrosits challenges the contemporary notion of "early Christian literature," showing that a number of texts usually so described are "not particularly interested" in a distinctive Christian identity. By appealing to trauma studies and diaspora theory and giving careful attention to the dynamics within these texts, she shows that this sample of writings offers complex reckonings with chaotic diasporic conditions and the transgenerational trauma of colonial violence.
The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament's Troubling Legacy
No one can read far in the Hebrew Bible without encountering depictions of violence carried out by human beings, sometimes in the name of God, or indeed...
The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church's Response, Second Edition
In this comprehensive, practical, and gripping assessment of various forms of violence against women, Pamela Cooper-White challenges the Christian churches to examine...
Future of the Prophetic: Israel's Ancient Wisdom Re-presented
The new situation of contemporary prophetic challenges the fixed religious landscape of Judaism by reversing traditional boundaries, eschewing power and privilege, and brokering peace through solidarity and common struggle in ecumenical and interfaith contexts.
The Vision of Catholic Social Thought: The Virtue of Solidarity and the Praxis of Human Rights
The Vision of Catholic Social Thought traces the emergence of solidarity and human rights as critical theological and philosophical pillars of the anthropology and ethics foundational to the development of Catholic social teaching.
Redeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration
The United States criminal justice system is in a state of crisis, from unprecedented rates of imprisonment and recidivism to the privatization of the prison system and the disproportionate representation of particular racial, ethnic, social, and economic groups. Amy Levad offers a Catholic perspective that directly addresses the concrete issues from a strongly interdisciplinary approach and utilizes the rich liturgical and sacramental resources of penance and Eucharist to offer a theological vision of reform.
Extremist for Love: Martin Luther King Jr., Man of Ideas and Nonviolent Social Action
Martin Luther King Junior is a rare mix of the deeply profound thinker and intellect who put the fruit of that reflection into the service of direct social action.
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Preaching, according to Bonhoeffer, is like offering an apple to a child. The gospel is proclaimed, but for it to be received as gift depends on whether or not the hearer is in a position to do so...
Augustine on War and Military Service
Philip Wynn uncovers a nuanced story of Augustine's thoughts on war and military service, and gives us a more complete and complex picture of this important topic.
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Does the Bible Justify Violence?
Renowned biblical scholar John J. Collins asks tough questions about the relationship between the portrayals of violence in the Bible and how they have been...
Portraits of a Mature God: Choices in Old Testament Theology
What difference would it make for Old Testament theology if we turned our attention from the forceful "mighty acts of God" to the more subdued themes of later writings in the Hebrew Bible?
Israel's Poetry of Resistance: Africana Perspectives on Early Hebrew Verse
Hugh R. Page Jr. argues that the careful collection and preservation of Israel's poetic traditions was an act of resistance to the forces of despair.
Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez
Nancy Pineda-Madrid's powerful reflection on this destructive and dehumanizing violence, based on first-hand knowledge of the traumatic situation in Juárez,...
Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way
More than ever, Walter Wink believes, the Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing "powers"...
Palestinian Christians and the Old Testament: History, Hermeneutics, and Ideology
Stalder asks how Palestinian Christians have read the Old Testament in the period before and under the British Mandate and in light of the foundation of the modern State of Israel. He outlines a future hermeneutic that respects religious communities without writing off the Old Testament prematurely.
Series and Themes Justice and Peace
24 Products