A Free Corrector: Colin Gunton and the Legacy of Augustine
This stunning and thorough work evaluates Colin Gunton's treatment of Augustine's legacy on the Trinity and the doctrine of creation.
In Defense of Doctrine: Evangelicalism, Theology, and Scripture
Joining the recent call to theological interpretation of Scripture, Rhyne R. Putman provides a constructive model that forwards a descriptive and normative pattern for reading Scripture and theological tradition together.
Luther on Faith and Love: Christ and the Law in the 1535 Galatians Commentary
The project argues that in the discussion of proper righteousness and holiness, Luther's redefined love emerges in harmony with faith.
Illumination in Basil of Caesarea's Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Although Basil of Caesarea was the first to write a discourse on the Holy Spirit, many scholars have since questioned if he fully believed in the Spirit's divinity. Timothy P. McConnell argues that Basil did regard the Spirit as fully divine and an equal Person of the Trinity.
Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom
The first comprehensive examination of John Chrysostom's view of the patriarch Abraham. Tonias reveals the ways in which Chrysostom used Abraham as a model of philosophical and Christian virtue, familial devotion, philanthropy, and obedient faith.
Chosen Nations: Pursuit of the Kingdom of God and Its Influence on Democratic Values in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain and the United States
At the heart of the biblical myth of chosenness is the idea that God has blessed a people to be a blessing to others. It is a mission of solemn responsibility.
We Are Who We Think We Were: Christian History and Christian Ethics
Conley calls into question the outdated historical methodologies in use in Christian social ethics and outlines the consequences stemming from them. By adopting the postmodern...
Palestinian Christians and the Old Testament: History, Hermeneutics, and Ideology
Stalder asks how Palestinian Christians have read the Old Testament in the period before and under the British Mandate and in light of the foundation of the modern State of Israel. He outlines a future hermeneutic that respects religious communities without writing off the Old Testament prematurely.
Threshing Floors In Ancient Israel: Their Ritual and Symbolic Significance
Jaime L. Waters here examines the various personnel active in the construction and operation of threshing floors to draw a more complete picture of ancient Israelite social life.
Repentance at Qumran: The Penitential Framework of Religious Experience in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Mark A. Jason offers a detailed investigation of the place of repentance in the Dead Sea Scrolls, addressing a significant lacuna in Qumran scholarship. Jason establishes the importance of repentance as a fundamental way of structuring and describing religious experience within the Qumran community, lacuna, Pseudepigrapha, daily life in ancient Judea
Cleansed Lepers, Cleansed Hearts: Purity and Healing in Luke-Acts
Pamela Shellberg shows that Luke's use of the language of "clean" and "unclean" has particular first-century medical connotations that make it especially powerful for expressing his understanding of the universal salvation prophesied by Isaiah and by Jesus.
The Woman Babylon and the Marks of Empire: Reading Revelation with a Postcolonial Womanist Hermeneutics of Ambiveilence
Here Shanell T. Smith brings the categories of race/ethnicity and class to bear on John's metaphors of the "Great Whore" and highlights the simultaneous duality of the woman Babylon characterization.
Narrative Obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible
The author argues that attention to narrative obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible offers an entry point into the world of the narrator and thus promises to redefine aspects of narrative criticism.
Women's Socioeconomic Status and Religious Leadership in Asia Minor: In the First Two Centuries C.E.
Moving beyond discussions of patriarchy and prescribed "women's roles" in the Roman world Katherine Bain explores what inscriptional data from Asia Minor can tell us about the actual socioeconomic status of women in the first and second centuries C.E.
Silence and Praise: Rhetorical Cosmology and Political Theology in the Book of Revelation
Cosmology is a central focus in John's Apocalypse, Ryan Leif Hansen argues, but not in the sense that John envisions a stable cosmos. Rather, John employs cosmological themes for persuasive purposes that include a critique of Roman imperial cultic discourse.
Rumors of Resistance: Status Reversals and Hidden Transcripts in the Gospel of Luke
In Rumors of Resistance, Amanda C. Miller uses Scott's theory to explain tensions within the narrative of the Gospel of Luke, between more accommodationist narratives and poetic or parabolic passages that announce a dramatic eschatological reversal.
Practices of Power: Revisiting the Principalities and Powers in the Pauline Letters
Robert Ewusie Moses traces the distinct function of "power-practices" in each of Paul's letters and draws illuminating comparisons with traditional African religious practices.
The Vine and the Son of Man: Eschatological Interpretation of Psalm 80 in Early Judaism
This study traces interpretations of Psalm 80 through many texts and argues that the psalm was an important biblical text through which early Christians understood the Christ event.
The Figure of Adam in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15: The New Creation and Its Ethical and Social Reconfiguration
Felipe Legarreta gives careful attention to patterns of exegesis in Second-Temple Judaism and identifies, for the first time, a number of motifs by which Jews drew ethical implications from the story of Adam and his expulsion from Eden.
Give Me Children or I Shall Die: Children and Communal Survival in Biblical Literature
This text seeks to look beyond the dominant cultural constructions of childhood in the modern West and the moral rhetoric that accompanies them so as to uncover what biblical texts intend to communicate when they utilize children as literary tropes in their own social, cultural, and historical context.
Series and Themes Emerging Scholars
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