Partakers of the Divine: Contemplation and the Practice of Philosophy
Partakers of the Divine shows that Christian philosophical and contemplative practices arose together and that throughout much of Christian history, philosophy, theology, and contemplation remained internal to one another.
Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross
Rupturing Eschatology is Eric Trozzo's constructive retrieval of Luther's theology of the cross for the purpose of establishing a contemporary Lutheran and "emerging" account of the cross, silence, and eschatology.
The Spirit of God and the Christian Life: Reconstructing Karl Barth's Pneumatology
JinHyok Kim challenges this prevailing paradigm, reconstructing Barth's pneumatology and proposing the possible contours it would have taken in the final volumes of Church Dogmatics left incomplete at Barth's death.
Fullness Received and Returned: Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards
Seng-Kong Tan argues that human participation in the divine--a classical theological axiom most notably associated with the Eastern Orthodox tradition--is a central theme in the theology of Jonathan Edwards.
Embodied Words, Spoken Signs: Sacramentality and the Word in Rahner and Chauvet
Rhodora Beaton examines the work of Rahner and Chauvet to articulate the relationship between word and sacrament within the context of language, culture, and an already graced world as the place of divine self-expression, and analyzes the implications for Trinitarian theology, sacramentality, liturgy, and action.
Embedded Grace: Christ, History, and the Reign of God in Schleiermacher's Dogmatics
The author takes up the coordination of grace and history in Schleiermacher, arguing for its significance in understanding the dynamics of Schleiermacher's dogmatics and its grounding and realization in Christology.
Waiting and Being: Creation, Freedom, and Grace in Western Theology
This volume traces out the problem of creation and grace in modern Catholic and Protestant dogmatics and provides a historical genealogy that situates the origin of the problem.
Playful, Glad, and Free: Karl Barth and a Theology of Popular Culture
This book offers a critical analysis and reinterpretation of Karl Barth's theology of culture--the least studied aspect of his work--revealing his significance for contemporary work in theology of culture by applying his approach to the study of popular culture and entertainment.
Christ Crucified in a Suffering World: The Unity of Atonement and Liberation
Nathan Hieb gives an innovative study that bridges the boundaries of method, doctrine, and praxis, creating a strong theological and action-oriented relationship between systematic and liberation theology.
Christ and Analogy: The Christocentric Metaphysics of Hans Urs von Balthasar
As one of the pillars of the nouvelle théologie movement, a main influence upon the Second Vatican Council,...
Early Arabic Christian Contributions to Trinitarian Theology: The Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity in an Islamic Milieu
Ricks examines the exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity in a set of texts from key Arabic Christian thinkers from the eighth and ninth centuries.
The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth
A commanding volume for scholars and students in systematic theology, ecumenical studies, and sacramental theology.
Divine Eloquence and Human Transformation: Rethinking Scripture and History through Gregory of Nazianzus and Hans Frei
Ben Fulford argues for a densely historical and theological reading of scripture centered in a Christological rubric.
Acting for Others: Trinitarian Communion and Christological Agency
This book explores why the metaphor of the church as a family is insufficient. Taking up Arendt's notions of action and her criticism of privatization, the author examines community, relation, and human subjects through the work of Bonhoeffer and Stăniloae.
Missa Est!: A Missional Liturgical Ecclesiology
Missa Est! is a constructive work in ecclesiology, and particularly the relationship between liturgy and mission in the church's life. It advances a notion of the church in which liturgy and mission are both given their due without opposing them to each other, subordinating one to the other, or collapsing them into each other. Mission and liturgy are intrinsically related to each other, for the church's liturgical rites disclose and enact the church's identity as a missionary community.
The Gift of Love: Augustine, Jean-Luc Marion, and the Trinity
The Gift of Love explores the intelligibility of Augustine's claim that we come to know and encounter God in and through our love.
Trinitarian Grace and Participation
Trinitarian Grace and Participation demonstrates the central organizing role grace plays in the Trinitarian theology of T. F. Torrance and its practical implications for the Christian life as the gift of sharing in the Son’s relation with the Father through the Spirit.
Being Deified: Poetry and Fantasy on the Path to God
Being Deified examines the importance of deification to Christian theology and the place of human creativity in deification.
Justin against Marcion: Defining the Christian Philosophy
In a period where Christianity was only beginning to form a definitive identity, Marcion played a remarkable and generative role. Andrew Hayes takes the measure of his...
Memories of Asaph: Mnemohistory and the Psalms of Asaph
Although the Psalms of Asaph (Pss. 50, 73‒83) contain a concentration of historical referents unparalleled in the Psalter, they have rarely attracted sustained historical interest. Karl N....
Series and Themes Emerging Scholars
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