Judgment According to Works in Romans: The Meaning and Function of Divine Judgment in Paul's Most Important Letter
In his letter to the Romans, Paul opposes justification by works of law, but simultaneously affirms--as did most of the early Christian movement, McFadden argues--a final judgment according to works.
Esther and the Politics of Negotiation: Public and Private Spaces and the Figure of the Female Royal Counselor
Hancock's attention to the narrative of Esther and comparison with Hellenistic and Persian historiography depicting "wise women" acting in royal contexts reveals that Esther is in fact representative of a wider tradition.
Memory and Covenant:The Role of Israel's and God's Memory in Sustaining the Deuteronomic and Priestly Covenants
Memory and Covenant applies new insights into the meaning and function of social memory to analyze the two major "religions" of the Pentateuch (D and P) and their relationship to one another.
The Interpreting Angel Motif in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature
Melvin traces the emergence and development of the motif of angelic interpretation of visions from late prophetic literature (Ezekiel 40-48; Zechariah 1-6) into early apocalyptic literature (1 Enoch 17-36; 72-82; Daniel 7-8).
Resurrection as Anti-Imperial Gospel: 1 Thessalonians 1:9b-10 in Context
Pillar explores the evidence in Paul's letter and in aspects of the Roman imperial culture in Thessalonica in order to imagine what that proclamation of Jesus' resurrection would have evoked for its first hearers.
Queering the Ethiopian Eunuch: Strategies of Ambiguity in Acts
As Sean D. Burke treats questions on the Ethiopian eunuch, he shows that eunuchs bore particular stereotyped associations regarding gender and sexual status as well as of race, ethnicity, and class.
The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism
Can experiences of God serve to inform and justify our theological beliefs and practices? The central claim in this work is that there is a radical mistake in many contemporary accounts that require grounding a theological story of God?s availability to us in experience in a prior general philosophical theory of perception.
Triune Eternality: God's Relationship to Time in the Theology of Karl Barth
This book argues that a proper comprehension of Barth's theological conception of time and eternity is best achieved by understanding three important contexts: the doctrinal, the conceptual, and the developmental.
Viva Vox: Rediscovering the Sacramentality of the Word through the Annunciation
In failing to take the sacramentality of the word of God seriously, the preaching of the church has suffered negative consequences, particularly failing to bring about divine participation with Jesus' corporeal humanity in his living word. In order to recover this sacramental reality, this volume argues that one should consider the annunciation to Mary as the paradigm of the corporeal Christ taking up residence in the flesh of his hearer and delivering the fullness of the Godhead.
Christian Doctrine and the Grammar of Difference: A Contribution to Feminist Systematic Theology
McRandal argues that the doctrinal narrative of creation, fall, and redemption provides resources to resolve the theological impasse of difference in contemporary feminist theology.
The Transformative Church: New Ecclesial Models and the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
Throughout the course of his theological career, Moltmann has been interested in the ecclesial and societal consequences of systematic theology and what each doctrine means for our life in this world. This book explores these concerns in Moltmann?s major texts and highlighs themes relevant for a transformative ecclesiology.
Creativity as Sacrifice: Toward a Theological Model for Creativity in the Arts
This book argues for a theological methodology in engaging the arts and puts forward a theological model for understanding human creativity in the light of Jesus' sacrificial redemption.
Preservation and Protest: Theological Foundations for an Eco-Eschatological Ethics
McLaughlin offers an alternative to anthropocentric and conservationist paradigms within the Christian tradition, an alternative that affirms both scientific claims about natural history and the theological hope for eschatological redemption.
Dogmatic Aesthetics: A Theology of Beauty in Dialogue with Robert W. Jenson
To avoid a theological account of beauty becoming a mere projection of our wildest desires, it must be reined in by dogmatics. To make this case, this book employs the thought of Robert W. Jenson to construct a dogmatic aesthetics.
Walking with the Mud Flower Collective: God's Fierce Whimsy and Dialogic Theological Method
Arguing for a retrieval of the landmark work, God's Fierce Whimsy, Stina Busman Jost establishes the critical importance of this volume for the construction of a dialogic theological method and makes the argument that a dialogic theological method is relevant for the doing of theology today
Deus providebit: Calvin, Schleiermacher, and Barth on the Providence of God
Sung-Sup Kim here argues that while Barth advances the discussion on the Reformed readings of the doctrine of providence in key ways, his reading of Calvin in particular is significantly hampered by his running challenge to Schleiermacher.
Truth and Politics: A Theological Comparison of Joseph Ratzinger and John Milbank
One of the perennial questions in political theology is how the concept of truth is defined and how such is grounded theologically. This book tackles this crucial question through an analysis and comparison of the thought of two of the most important contemporary Catholic and Protestant theologians, Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) and John Milbank.
Between Magisterium and Marketplace: A Constructive Account of Theology and the Church
Between Magisterium and Marketplace provides a theological genealogy of modern ecclesiology, arguing that modern and contemporary ecclesiology is a theological contest not between Barth and Schleiermacher, but rather Newman and Schleiermacher.
Christ the Light: The Theology of Light and Illumination in Thomas Aquinas
In this book Whidden argues that illumination is a critical systematic motif in Aquinas' theology, one that involves the nature of truth, knowledge, and God; at the root, Aquinas' theology of light, or illumination, is Christological, grounding human knowledge of God and eschatological beatitude.
The Resurrected God: Karl Barth's Trinitarian Theology of Easter
The Resurrected God is an exciting, innovative examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across the three parts of Volume IV of Church Dogmatics.
Series and Themes Emerging Scholars
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