Judith is an ancient Jewish novella about a woman who saves Jerusalem by killing an invading general. Included in some early Christian versions of the Old Testament, its imagery and use of biblical motifs have played an important role in the Western tradition ever since. This commentary provides a detailed analysis of the text's composition and its meaning in its original historical context. It thoroughly surveys the history of Judith scholarship and the book's history of interpretation in paintings, sculpture, music, drama, and literature.
$79.00Save 75%
Proverbs 1-15
The book of Proverbs is more than the sum of its parts. Even if some proverbs could be older, the overall composition stems from the late Persian or early Hellenistic period. By introducing the scribal student to the foundations of sapiential knowledge and its critical reflection, the book of Proverbs comes close to the critical wisdom of Job and Qohelet. In addition to a detailed exegesis of the biblical text, this commentary presents new parallels from Egyptian wisdom literature.
$69.00Save 75%
Jubilees: A Commentary in Two Volumes
Jubilees is an ancient rewriting of Genesis and the first part of Exodus from an anonymous second-century BCE Jewish author whose distinctive perspective--as well as the writing's apparent popularity at Qumran--makes it particularly important for any reconstruction of early Judaism. James C. VanderKam, the world's foremost authority on the writing, offers a new translation and the first full commentary on the book in the English language, covering contemporary scholarship and describing the book's influence on Jewish and Christian writers.
Paul A. Holloway treats Philippians as a literary unity and a letter of consolation, written probably in Rome and thus the latest of Paul's letters. Adapting the methodology of what he calls a new history of religions perspective, Holloway attends carefully to the religious topoi of Philippians, especially the metamorphic myth in chapter 2, and draws significant conclusions about Paul's personalism and "mysticism". Holloway draws richly on Jewish, Greek, and Roman comparative material to present a complex understanding of the apostle as a Hellenized and Romanized Jew.
Luke 2: A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 9:51-19:27
This is the second volume of François Bovon's three-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke, covering the narration of Jesus' travel on the road to Jerusalem...
2 Chronicles: A Commentary
Ralph W. Klein's magisterial commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles is now complete. Klein brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler...
$68.00Save 75%
Luke 3: Commentary on 19:28-24:53
François Bovon's magisterial commentary on the Gospel of Luke is justly renowned for its combination of judicious historical and literary treatment of the Evangelist's...
2 Maccabees: A Critical Commentary
The second-century B.C.E. Maccabean revolt against Seleucid oppression was a watershed event in early Jewish history and Second Maccabees is an important...
$65.00Save 75%
Psalms 3: A Commentary on Psalms 101-150, Hermeneia series
In this "meticulous" commentary, "brilliantly" translated by Linda M. Maloney (Review of Biblical Literature), Hossfeld and Zenger provide for each psalm a...
1 Enoch 2: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 37-82
1 Enoch presents interpreters with a complex knot of interrelated puzzles concerning the history of early Judaism, the trajectories of wisdom and apocalyptic...
Hermeneia New Testament on CD-ROM
The Hermeneia series is designed to be a critical and historical commentary to the Bible without arbitrary limits in size or scope. It will utilize the full...
Hermeneia Old Testament on CD-ROM
Unique, authoritative, indispensable, Hermeneia has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the...
The Odes of Solomon
Known until the 18th century only from fragmentary quotations and references in patristic literature, more recent discoveries of Greek, Coptic, and Syriac...
$84.00Save 75%
Hermeneia on CD-ROM 2.0 Upgrade
Unique, authoritative, indispensable, Hermeneia has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the...
Hermeneia on CD-ROM 2.0 for PC
Unique, authoritative, indispensable, Hermeneia has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the...
Acts: A Commentary
The Acts of the Apostles joins the Gospel of Luke with the ministry of Paul. Renowned New Testament scholar Richard I. Pervo shows how this masterful...
Mark: A Commentary
Professor Adela Yarbro Collins brings to bear on the text of the first Gospel the latest historical-critical perspectives, providing a full treatment of such...
Matthew 1-7
The birth narrative, the baptism and temptation of Jesus, the beginnings of his Galilean ministry, and the Sermon on the Mount are all brilliantly illumined by...
Hermeneia on CD-ROM, Library Edition (4 simultaneous users): A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
Hermeneia on CD-ROM captures the full text and apparatus of each volume and adds features that facilitate daily use in scholarship, teaching, and research,...
Romans: A Commentary
Deeply conversant in the full range of questions and interpretations of the letter, Jewett's commentary explores the crucial and controverted passages that have...
Series and Themes Hermeneia series
61 Products