1 Chronicles
This commentary takes full advantage of recent advances in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often...
Matthew 21-28
In this third volume, Luz brings his superlative analysis of Matthew's Gospel to a close. He is renowned for both his discerning exegetical insights as well as...
Psalms 2: A Commentary on Psalms 51-100
This newest contribution to the acclaimed Hermeneia series provides in-depth analysis of Psalms 51-100. It is volume 2 of a three-volume work; volume 3...
Qoheleth: A Commentary on the Book of Qoheleth
Qoheleth presents a special challenge not only for professional commentators but also for 'normal' readers of the Hebrew text (or a modern translation). . . ....
Zephaniah: A Commentary
The Book of Zephaniah poses a full range of interpretive and hermenutical issues for the modern reader. Sweeney's keen reading of this small, prophetic book...
The Apostolic Tradition: A Commentary
"The anonymous early church order that became known as the Apostolic Tradition and conventionally attributed to Hippolytus of Rome has generated enormous...
Luke 1: A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 1:1-9:50
This is the first of a three-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke, covering the birth narratives through the Galilean ministry of Jesus. The introduction...
1 Enoch 1: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1-36; 81-108
1 Enoch is one of the most intriguing books in the Pseudepigrapha (Israelite works outside the Hebrew canon). It was originally written...
Matthew 8-20: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
This is the second of a three-volume commentary on the gospel of Matthew from Europe's leading Matthew scholar. Volume 1 Matthew 1-7 was previously published...
Deutero-Isaiah: A Commentary
Isaiah 40-55 in dramatic voice. Deutero-Isaiah's work, which comprises Isaiah chapters 40-55, has exerted its influence on testimonies of faith...
The Critical Edition of Q
A major new resource on the text and traditions of the Sayings Gospel. The existence of Q (simply defined as the non-Markan material common to Matthew and...
The Shepherd of Hermas: A Commentary
Extremely popular in its time, The Shepherd of Hermas is a second-century work often used for instruction of catechumens, and in fact, is widely regarded as...
The Didache: A Commentary
One hundred twenty-five years ago, Philotheos Bryennios discovered the text of the Didache in an eleventh-century manuscript version. In 1883 he edited the...
1 Peter: A Commentary on First Peter
This commentary, the fruit of years of research, is a gold-mine for clergy and an indispensable resource for students and scholars. Achtemeier brings to this...
The Johannine Letters
A scholarly treatment of the major literary, exegetical, and theological issues connected with the Johannine epistles, presented in a detailed and sustained fashion.
The Sermon on the Mount: A Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount
To study these sermons with Betz is to be vastly informed about all forms of gospel criticism, and ultimately, about Jesus himself.
Daniel: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel
The most comprehensive English-language commentary on Daniel in 65 years. Collins situates the Old Testament in its historical context and offers a full...
Fourth Ezra: A Commentary on the Books of Fourth Ezra
Fourth Ezra is a magnificent commentary, the definitive and standard work for generations to come.
The Song of Songs: A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs
Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song's exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative...
Amos: A Commentary on the Book of Amos
Makes extensive use of ancient Near Eastern sources, and employs medieval Jewish exegesis along with modern Israeli biblical scholarship.
Series and Themes Hermeneia series
61 Products