Intergenerational Missiology: An African Pentecostal-Charismatic Perspective
This book explores the models of Apostle James McKeown, the founder of the largest Pentecostal church in Ghana, the Church of Pentecost. It argues that mission theology should be reconsidered for each generation. The book proposes an intergenerational mission approach as a missiological imperative for African Pentecostal-charismatic Christianity.
Islam and Women: Hagar's Heritage
In a field where most publications on Islam are by men and about men's experience of Islam, this book offers a new perspective on Islam through the world of women. Drawing on rich personal experience, Islamic texts, culture, and history, the author explores faith, cultural themes, and everyday life for Muslim women.
Putting on the Lord Jesus: A Gospel-Driven Theology of Discipleship
This book is about the way the gospel influences our understanding of our relationship with Jesus. The book discusses mission-related themes such as discipleship, atonement, the kingdom of God, faith, the Trinity, the church, and life guided by the Holy Spirit. This work will be appreciated by pastors, seminary students, and thoughtful lay leaders.
Turning Over a New Leaf: Evangelical Missionaries and the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East
Relations between evangelical missionaries and the Orthodox churches in the Middle East have been tense. Is there a way for cooperation to promote the worldwide mission of God, and if so, how? Originally published in 1992, the text is fully updated and shows how evangelicals can serve alongside Middle Eastern Orthodox Christians.
The Audacity of Peace
Scot McKnight sketches a peace ethic that embodies the self-denial of Jesus to the point of the cross and then vindicated by God. Through God's grace and the indwelling Spirit, the participant in the way of Jesus is transformed. A peace ethic is a lived theology whose discerning witness transcends the specific principles and ideas of that theology.
Personal Idealism
This book is a definitive account of Keith Ward's theology, based on the philosophy of personal idealism. It records his views about God, revelation, the kingdom of God, life after death, the incarnation, atonement, and the Trinity. It discusses the most central Christian doctrines, formed in the light of modern science and Idealist philosophy.
The Serendipity of Life's Encounters
Reflecting on her path to becoming the first woman to be given a personal Chair at the University of Durham, professor emerita of divinity at the same, an honorary professor at the University of St. Andrews, and a CBE for "services to theology," Ann Loades introduces some of the key tenets of her theological thinking.
Duppy Conqueror
This book contours Robert Beckford's recontextualization of African American Black and Womanist theologies of liberation. Making the Black British experience a point of departure, Beckford's theological method appropriates two distinct approaches to pursue a contextual theology or a Black theology dub.
Spirit Life
As an Asian-American theologian existing in multiple cultural spheres, Grace Ji-Sun Kim works to disseminate Asian words and religious symbols into mainstream discourse so that we can move toward a nondualistic theology that provides space for the marginalized and the subordinated, paving a path toward liberation and radical demarginalization.
Forgiveness and Politics: A Critical Appraisal
While forgiveness and politics are often regarded as unrelated, this work explores the deep, intrinsic relation between them. Through a discussion of the conflicts in Northern Ireland and Nagaland, it studies biblical foundations of forgiveness, and the practices of politics, to argue they are undergirded and sustained by forgiveness.
Migration and the Church in East Asia
While the Asian church has begun to reach out to migrants, this concern for others lacks robust theological foundations. The author adapts their previous work and uses otherness and liminality as a lens to examine the scripture to better understand God's heart for migrants and the responsibility of His people towards them.
Pentecostalism in Africa: Experiences from Ghana's Charismatic Ministries
In Africa, Pentecostalism has become the representative face of Christianity with even historic mission denominations 'pentecostalising' their otherwise formal liturgical structures. This work interprets key theological and missiological themes in Ghanaian Pentecostalism by using material from experiences of the movement itself.
A Holistic Model of Handling Conflicts
Through a systematic, comprehensive analysis of conflicts in an urban, multicultural congregation in the UK, the book studies conflict from several perspectives. In understanding the multiple facets of conflicts in the four domains, the book establishes a model of conflict resolution in a multicultural congregational setting through peace-making.
Addressing Contextual Misleading Theologies in Africa Today
This volume offers constructive and contextual discussions to promote a life of dignity based on practical theology. The book discusses issues of health, healing, wealth, and poverty pertinent in Africa. Misleading theologies, like the prosperity gospel, contribute to practices in authority that contrast the teachings of God to respect others.
African Healing Shrines and Cultural Psychologies
This is a pioneering work on the ethnopsychology of African healing spaces and its influence on contemporary sacred geography. Since African Christianity is the "new global face" of World Christianity and the "Next Christendom," the relationship of African Christianity and the therapeutic background of African healing shrines is needed.
Conviction in an Optional Society: Pentecostal / Charismatic Christianity and Religious Pluralism
Today, more than ever, we are challenged to think on a larger scale and act in common pursuit with regard to social challenges, our convictions and public engagement. How do these contexts influence our communication and action? How can we live responsively and remain faithful to our fundamental beliefs? The book suggests constructive answers.
For God So Loved the World: The Church and the Sustainable Development Goals
What does poverty reduction, education, health, gender equality and environmental sustainability have to do with the Church and God's mission? These are some of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, set out in 2015 for sustainable future. In this book, 28 Brazilian specialists reflect on each goal in relation to the mission of God.
I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ's Converts from Islam
What are challenges faced by Christ's converts from Islam? Duane Miller draws on pastoral experience and academic research to propose practical resources for the experienced pastor, someone new to ministry, or converts from Islam. This book seeks to aid the global Church in the expansion of converts from Muslim backgrounds.
International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia
This book was developed to join key resources on biblical-theological foundations, regional and confessional expressions, new themes, trends, educational approaches and curriculum models for diakonia and Christian social services which can enrich current training courses and widen the horizon by inter-contextual and inter-cultural perspectives
Is Africa Incurably Religious?: Secularization and Discipleship in Africa
The volume studies the meaning of secularization in sub-Saharan Africa and among the African diaspora. The first part focuses on Africa's cultural and religious traditions. The second part study secularization in contemporary Africa. The final section explores what the various secularization expressions mean for Christian discipleship in Africa.
Series and Themes
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