The Good News of Creation: Eco-theology for Faithful Discipleship
Juan Stam considered himself a "radical evangelical," driven constantly to the roots of his faith in Biblical teaching. This volume is written in dialogue with both biblical passages and social analysis, applying his reflection to an evangelical vision for the transformation of Latin America's diverse contexts.
Celebrating Life in Community: Reflections in Social Ethics and the Church, Essays in Honour of Murray W. Dempster
With some of the finest scholars in Pentecostal and Evangelical studies, this book approaches pastoral and academic dynamics dear to the thought and practice of Murray W. Dempster. Three overriding themes are addressed: biblical and theological studies, peacemaking and the Christian witness, and the work of the church in the broader community.
For the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord: Celebrating Forty Years of God's Mission through the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
The book narrates the past and present of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. The book contributes to the continuing legacy of OCMS as a true decolonializing institution, encouraging scholars from the Majority World to theologize from their own context, and so contribute to the construction of a true world Christianity.
Creative Collaborations: Case Studies of North American Missional Practices
The case studies in this book show that, rather than collapsing under the strain of challenges, many North American Christians are reaching across divisions to connect with people and contexts unlike themselves. The research highlights multiple ways in which North American Christians are collaborating with others to witness to their faith.
The Jephthah Inheritance: Reflections on the Sacrifice of the Church’s Children on the Altar of Evangelism
Just as Jephthah made God a promise to sacrifice his daughter's life, many missionaries, pastors, and full-time Christian workers do the same, sacrificing their children on the altar of evangelism. Andrew Lane looks into the root causes, the justifications, the bad theology, and the self-protecting policies that lead to so much pain and tragedy.
Mission in the Spirit: Formation, Theology, and Praxis
With the radical shift in global Christianity in recent decades, how will the "new" churches in the South rise to be the forerunner of Christian mission with more than two-thirds of the world's Christians? As a Pentecostal missionary from Korea, the author reflects on his journey of mission formation within his unique socio-cultural context.
Welcome, Holy Spirit: Charismatic Renewal in the Global Church
This book is based on an international study process among Lutheran church leaders and theologians committed to charismatic renewal in the Lutheran Church. The book is evangelical, charismatic, and Lutheran in its outlook and may serve as a textbook for pastors and Christian leaders providing both dependable information and spiritual inspiration.
Changing Tides: Latin America and World Mission Today, Updated and Revised Second Edition
Originally published in 2002, Changing Tides introduced a new era in Latin America's major contribution to global mission by one of its leading spokesmen, Samuel Escobar. With the first edition out of print, Regnum Books is delighted to publish this updated and expanded volume to the English-speaking world.
The Day of the Lord in Malaysia: Classical to Contemporary Pentecostalism in the Assemblies of God with reference to Joel 2:28‐32
This book provides insights into the historical and theological development of classical Pentecostalism in the Malaysian socio-cultural and multi-faith context. It is an investigation into how the Assemblies of God Malaysia has progressed from a classical Pentecostal movement towards the new identity of a "Contemporary Pentecostal Church Movement."
Communion of Saints in Context
The communion of saints has been called a 'sleeping symbol' within Christian churches because it is often overlooked, poorly understood, and sometimes rejected, specifically within the Protestant tradition. In this book, Protestant scholars in Asia and Oceania consider how the tradition may be more effectively expressed in their local contexts.
Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation
At the heart of the gospel is a message of hope and reconciliation. Vol 16: Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation elucidates the importance and understanding of this message, uniting perspectives from different church traditions and using an interfaith approach to speaking about the socio-ethical implications of mission.
A Passion for China: Norwegian Mission to China Until 1949
A Passion for China recounts the Norwegian mission in China from the very beginning to the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Written with vigor, these scholarly essays represent the contributions of various Norwegian mission agencies, outlining a picture of the church's mission deeply imbued with spirit.
Many Monks Across the Sea: Church of the East Monastic Mission in Ninth Century Asia
This book seeks to bring light to the Eastern Churches under early Islam, and to reveal the vigour of Christianity where it has been overlooked or unexpected. It brings together existing scholarship and a picture of faith that sees the challenge of mission with integrity, courage and imagination.
The Bible and Christian Ethics
The family, the basic unit of society, is at the heart of Christian ethics. The Bible and Christian Ethics is a collection of papers published in the OCMS journal Transformation that contribute to understanding how Christian thought is shaped in contexts that each pose their own challenges to Christian living.
Beyond Integral Mission: Fresh Voices from Latin America
This volume explores how contemporary Latin American theologians are building on the legacy of integral mission from the 1970s--and the controversies it raised--to reflect on a wide range of issues such as the economy, culture, the environment, discrimination, and transcultural missions.
Complexities of Theologies of Wealth and Prosperity: Africa in Focus
This volume addresses theologies of wealth and prosperity, focusing on the African church. The book responds to the emergence of prosperity gospel practices in both mission and African Independent Churches today.
Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical Approaches to Discipleship and Christian Formation
Authors from around the world bring together insights from their Evangelical and Orthodox traditions to enrich the journey of witness and martyrdom, a faithful daily living of the Christian gospel which speaks with integrity to a world seeking truth.
Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age: Christian Mission among Other Faiths
The relationship of Christian faith and mission to other living faiths is a core issue in contemporary mission. Vol 7: Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age provides insight on the theology of religious plurality needed to strengthen our understanding of our own faith.
Sin in Cultural Context: Understanding the Old Testament notion of ‘sin’ among the Kongo people of Brazzaville
This book examines the notion of "sin" in the Kongo culture through the lens of the Old Testament understanding of sin. It argues that the rich Old Testament imagery for sin is not captured by the Kongo word disumu; a wider vocabulary must be developed.
Microfinance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Responding to the Voices of Poor People
The book offers lessons for microfinance practitioners from poor people in Zimbabwe and Zambia. It suggests that the church may provide a credible community leader for dialogue regarding poverty causes and solutions.
Series and Themes Regnum Books
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