Slavs to Slavs in Mission: Identity of Czech Missionaries in Former Yugoslavia Countries
This book explores Czech missionaries in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, with a focus on the national identity of the missionaries. The volume provides insight into mission dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe, with implications for other contexts as well.
International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia: Concepts and Theological Perspectives of Churches from the Global South
Motivated by concerns for climate justice and the ethics of sustainability, the International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia is the product of collaboration between churches throughout the world.
A Missional Leadership History: The Journey from Wycliffe Bible Translators to the Wycliffe Global Alliance
A Missional Leadership History explores the origins of Wycliffe Bible Translators from the passion and vision of a few to a worldwide movement for Bible translation in God's mission.
Conversion and Identity: The Pastoral Care and Discipleship of Converts from Islam in the Context of the UK
This book records and analyzes the experiences of converts from Islam to Christianity, and those who care for converts, with respect to their own discipleship paths and the handling of pastoral care in the UK.
Christ-Followers in Other Religions: The Global Witness of Insider Movements
In recent decades, many people have begun following Christ while remaining part of non-Christian religious communities. This book examines how these individuals and groups challenge, expand, and de-center prevalent Western understandings of Christian mission and discipleship.
Arts Across Cultures: Reimagining the Christian Faith in Asia
This book shows the potential of the arts to impact the life and mission of the church. It suggests how the arts can enhance worship and witness, and help transform the wider world.
Formation for Transformation: An Approach to Renewing the Teaching Ministry within the Church
This book presents important pedagogical approaches that the church usually does not take into account and that will help us collaborate with the Holy Spirit in a believer's process of transformation.
Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership
This book examines how mission leadership is changing in the face of contemporary challenges. It reviews the idea of polycentrism through mission history, mission and church organizations, movement theory, and governance, identifying themes for polycentric mission leadership.
Flourish: Fuller Life for All through Church Community Transformation
This book shares compelling stories of God using ordinary local churches and their communities to bring deep transformation, along with straightforward biblical principles that help turn God's inspiring vision into reality.
Developing Just and Inclusive Communities: Challenges for Diakonia / Christian Social Practice and Social Work
This book offers an overview of recent advances in the theory and practice of community diakonia. Written by several leading scholars, the chapters survey important topics in the field, such as inclusion, personhood, and community development.
Disability Inclusive Member Care
This book gives voice to cross-cultural workers who navigate challenges related to disabilities such as autism. It provides greater understanding of the member carer's role in sending and supporting these gifted workers.
Salaam: Development as Mission
This book explores how missionaries from Latin America have both carried out development projects and established Christian churches in North Africa, West Africa, and Central Asia.
A Missional Reading of the Fourth Gospel: A Gospel-Driven Theology of Discipleship
This book studies the Gospel of John from a missional perspective, seeking to discover the central message of the text from a missional point of view.
Discipleship, Suffering and Racial Justice: Mission in a Pandemic World
This book explores what the UK church can learn about discipleship, suffering, and racial justice from Majority World contexts. The book examines post-colonial contextual theologies rooted in pain and how they can serve the church. It argues for the relativity of suffering as a discipleship theory needed during and after the pandemic.
Mining God's Way: Towards Mineral Resource Justice with Artisanal Gold Miners in East Africa
This study investigates social, economic, and environmental justice in East Africa's artisanal and small-scale mining. It focuses on how Christian miners' theologies, combined with biblical theologies of justice, can be applied in practice toward development of the sector. The research seeks to improve livelihoods for artisanal miners.
Forgiveness and the Reintegration of Child Soldiers: “Singg dohn, wohd lehf”: The Song is Sung, the Words Remain
During the ten years of civil war in Sierra Leone, children were both victims and perpetrators of horrendous crimes. After the war, many children sought both reunification and reintegration in their communities. This book explores the possibilities of forgiveness and its power to reshape individuals and communities as they seek futures together.
John's Missional Gospel
This book studies the missiology of the Gospel of John. The author of the book does not seek to find a predefined mission within the Gospel but seeks instead to discover the central message of the Gospel from a missional point of view. Thus, the author reads the whole story of the Gospel from a missional perspective.
Christianity and Empire in South Manipur Hills: Senvon Encounter and the Dialogic Zo Peoples
The book examines Christianity in South Manipur Hills, India. It explores the Christian narrative of the Senvon encounter between the missionaries and the Zo communities. The authors argue for the agency of host communities, which have significant insights for theological discourse on contextualization and the self-understanding of the Zo peoples.
Ecumenical Encounters with Desmond Mpilo Tutu: Visions for Justice, Dignity and Peace
This collection honors the life and work of Desmond Mpilo Tutu. The reflections focus on the ecumenical global struggle against Apartheid and on Archbishop Tutu's role therein as a political priest, prophet, and intellectual. The hope is that these recollections will continue to inspire collective struggles and hopes for justice, peace, and dignity.
Samuel Escobar: An Anthology: Collected Essays on Mission, Culture and Theology
Samuel Escobar is one of the most influential missiologists in the world. This anthology introduces us to his significant contributions in the fields of culture and mission, mission in Latin America, theological and missiological education, and integral mission. It is for anyone interested in these major areas of reflection and praxis.
Series and Themes Regnum Books
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