Proclaiming the Peacemaker: The Malaysian Church as an Agent of Reconciliation in a Multicultural Society
Themes of peace and social harmony recur often in discourse about Malaysian society, with its history of racial violence and ethnic tensions. Proclaiming the Peacemaker looks at the role of the church here as a reconciling agent, arguing that a reconciling presence within a divided society necessitates a peacemaking ethos.
A Theory of Lay Ministry Praxis: Kenya Assemblies of God Denomination Nairobi County
In A Theory of Lay Praxis Ministry, identity in Christ is the root of servitude in Kenyan Assemblies of God. With groundbreaking research in empirical theology, this book takes congregational studies beyond the West to train future leaders and release laypeople into ministries in Africa and elsewhere.
Protestant Social Thought in Latin America
Protestant Social Thought describes the bond of Protestant social thought to the processes of theorizing about development on Latin America. This book assesses Protestant social thought to understand not only its evolution, but its contrast with the more specialized context of reflection on social and economic transformation and change.
Reluctant or Radical Revolutionaries?: Evangelical Missionaries and Afro-Jamaican Character, 1834-1870
Reluctant or Radical Revolutionaries? challenges traditional understandings of nineteenth-century evangelical missionaries in Jamaica. From the missionaries contending with hostile elites of society as they fulfilled their mission to Black Jamaicans, to the Afro-Jamaicans who challenged local plantation owners, this book highlights the strength and character of figures in this movement.
Resources and Opportunity: The Architecture of Livelihoods in Rural Kenya
Poor people in rural areas of developing countries often improvise resources to enable them to make a living. Resources and Oppurtunity uniquely brings out the respective tensions between agency and structure, locality and globality in livelihood construction in rural Kenya.
Revisioning Christian Unity: The Global Christian Forum
Revisioning Christian Unity puts on record the story of the Global Christian Forum gathering that took place on 6-9 November, 2007, in Limuru, near Nairobi, Kenya. This book preserves the memory and provides access to the full collection of documents in search of Christian unity and common witness.
Rise Up and Walk: Religion and Culture in Empowering the Poor
With great spiritual gifts and deep, practical wisdom, Rise Up and Walk tells stories of a lifelong commitment with the cause of the poor, fed by a vivid interest in human culture, especially those Asian cultures that live now under the threat of alienation or elimination.
Roots and Fruits: Retrieving Scotland's Missionary Story
Roots and Fruits offers a comprehensive assessment of Scotland's role in the worldwide movement of Christian mission. This book examines the development of Scottish mission theory and practice from the formation of the Society in Scotland for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge in 1709 until the present day.
Searching for Heaven in the Real World: A Sociological Discussion of Conversion in the Arab World
Adjusting to a new identity is akin to adjusting to a new set of skin. Searching for Heaven in the Real World explores the psychological and social issues faced by Arab Muslims after adopting a faith in Christ, investigating some of their most surprising and significant challenges.
Seeing New Facets of the Diamond: Christianity as a Universal Faith: Essays in Honour of Kwame Bediako
Seeing New Facets of the Diamond is a collection of essays that demonstrate that the theological creativity emerging in Africa is also for the benefit of the mission of the world church, capturing the vision and legacy of Kwame Bediako.
Seeking Reconciliation: The Peacemaking Witness of the Church in Malaysia
This is an abridged version of Peter Rowan's Regnum book, Proclaiming the Peacemaker. This book looks at the role of the church as a reconciling agent, arguing that a reconciling presence within a divided society necessitates an ethos of peacemaking.
Shaping Christianity in Greater China: Indigenous Christians in Focus
Shaping of Christianity in China looks at the shaping of Christianity in China with emphasis on the contributions of Chinese believers. Along with a geographical scope of the China Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, this book spans from the end of the Ming Dynasty until the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.
Sighs and Signs of the Spirit: Ghanaian Perspectives on Pentecostalism and Renewal in Africa
In Sighs and Signs, Asamoah-Gyadu often points out how mission-founded churches in Ghana have fallen behind their Charismatic/Pentecostal counterparts and the need for the former to learn from the latter. He dialogues with other scholars and theological leaders, documenting a learning process that has already started.
Stopping the Traffick: A Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking
How should we go about working with exploited people? Where should we focus our response? How do we deal with the challenges? Stopping the Traffick offers practical advice and strategic insight from over forty global experts and practitioners who thoughtfully explore how best to answer these questions and more.
Socialism & Development in Ethiopia: A Critical Examination of the Military Regime's Socialist Agricultural Program
Socialism and Development in Ethiopia identifies and analyses the methods, achievements, and constraints of the socialist agricultural policy of post-revolutionary Ethiopia. Through critical consideration of a historical period, this book uncovers applicable lessons for future achievable development in Ethiopia and similar economies.
Storm Signals: Contemporary Essays on Mission and Discipleship
Storm Signals dissects good and bad conflict, and the way our thinking is still configured by Empire. Providing inspiration for new ideas and vision to carry us beyond these sad relics of modernity, this book is an inspiring antidote to the trap of imperialistic mindsets.
Strategy Coordinator: Changing the Course of Southern Baptist Missions
In 1976, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted its Bold New Thrusts in Foreign Missions with the goal of sharing the gospel with everyone in the world by 2000. Strategy Coordinator traces the historical development of this paradigm and its significant impact on Southern Baptist missiology.
The Contextualisation of Leadership in Paul: Applied to English-Speaking Methodist Churches in Peninsular Malaysia
Christian leadership needs clear, biblical, theological and contextual thinking. The Contextualisation of Leadership in Paul works out the Apostle Paul's leadership principles in Malaysia with its multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious contexts, to catalyse more research and critical thinking on issues faced by the church in Malaysia.
The Cosmic Christ: Towards Effective Mission Among the Maasai
Reception of Christ as Saviour has been poor to the Maasai people, especially in Tanzania. Missiological approaches have not proved to be practical to them. The Cosmic Christ proposes an Appropriational Model for conducting mission among the Maasai to reach these people where they are, in their culture and environment.
The Diaconal Church
The Diaconal Church is the third volume on diakonia published by Regnum Books. For those who believe the church must be active in the world, seeking to heal and struggle for justice, this is the essential guide book and toolbox for diaconal practice.
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