Transforming Vision: Explorations in Feminist The*logy
Drawing from a career of pioneering scholarship, Schüssler Fiorenza situates the critical feminist theory that has characterized her work in the praxis of...
The Arrogance of Nations, paperback edition: Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire
Elliott offers a fresh and surprising reinterpretation of Paul's letter to the Romans in the context of Roman imperial ideology, bringing to the text the latest...
Apostle to the Conquered, paperback edition: Reimagining Paul's Mission
What did Paul mean by identifying himself as "apostle to the nations"? Davina C. Lopez finds the surprising answer in the way the Roman Empire depicted the...
eBook-The Bible: An Introduction, First Edition
Jerry Sumney discusses his newest Fortress Press textbook, The Bible. Click below to watch. Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum Find more...
Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology: Shoulder to Shoulder
What does it mean to be a Catholic woman with feminist commitments today, and what insights can be garnered from that context? In this first attempt in a...
Hermeneia on CD-ROM 2.0 Upgrade
Unique, authoritative, indispensable, Hermeneia has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the...
Hermeneia on CD-ROM 2.0 for PC
Unique, authoritative, indispensable, Hermeneia has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the...
Was Jesus a Muslim?: Questioning Categories in the Study of Religion
An intriguing question — Do Muslims understand Jesus in some ways more historically appropriate than Christians do? — leads Robert F. Shedinger into a...
The Politics of Heaven: Women, Gender, and Empire in the Study of Paul
In this provocative study, Joseph A. Marchal argues that biblical interpretation, but most especially Pauline studies, must engage the full range of critical...
Christ's Body in Corinth: The Politics of a Metaphor
Yung Suk Kim takes up the language of "body" that infuses 1 Corinthians, Paul's most complicated letter, and the letter that provides us the most...
Feminist Theologies: Legacy and Prospect
This indispensable volume traces the rapidly evolving feminist scene in theology over the last generation and highlights specific contributions that have been...
Hermeneia on CD-ROM, Library Edition (4 simultaneous users): A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
Hermeneia on CD-ROM captures the full text and apparatus of each volume and adds features that facilitate daily use in scholarship, teaching, and research,...
The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament
While traditional Christian thought and spirituality have always affirmed the divine presence in human life, Thatamanil argues we have much to learn from...
Paul on the Cross: Reconstructing the Apostle's Story of Redemption
Even as theologians have become more critical of classic theories of atonement, biblical scholars have continued to rely upon such theories as a basis for...
Spirit and Resistance: Political Theology and American Indian Liberation
Writing from a Native American perspective, theologian George Tinker probes American Indian culture, its vast religious and cultural legacy, and its ambiguous...
Does the Bible Justify Violence?
Renowned biblical scholar John J. Collins asks tough questions about the relationship between the portrayals of violence in the Bible and how they have been...
The Call to Discipleship
In this brief essay, drawn from Church Dogmatics, Barth articulates what it means to follow Jesus in faith. He emphasizes that discipleship involves a...
Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible, and Social Ethics
Disagreement on ethical issues overlays a lack of consensus today on even deeper issues of method and authority in ethics. Yet a major ecumenical resource and...
Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination
Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of Principalities and Powers. He asks the question "How can we oppose...
Paul Tillich: Theologian of the Boundaries
Paul Tillich, forced into exile by the Nazis in 1933, settled in the United States. His many theological works and especially his three volume Systematic...
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