Give Me Children or I Shall Die: Children and Communal Survival in Biblical Literature
This text seeks to look beyond the dominant cultural constructions of childhood in the modern West and the moral rhetoric that accompanies them so as to uncover what biblical texts intend to communicate when they utilize children as literary tropes in their own social, cultural, and historical context.
Sallie McFague: Collected Readings
Sallie McFague offers a powerful guide to theological thinking about God and the world, individual and community, humanity and nature, reality and metaphor, the sacramental and the prophetic, and the critical issue of climate change.
Esther and the Politics of Negotiation: Public and Private Spaces and the Figure of the Female Royal Counselor
Hancock's attention to the narrative of Esther and comparison with Hellenistic and Persian historiography depicting "wise women" acting in royal contexts reveals that Esther is in fact representative of a wider tradition.
Judgment According to Works in Romans: The Meaning and Function of Divine Judgment in Paul's Most Important Letter
In his letter to the Romans, Paul opposes justification by works of law, but simultaneously affirms--as did most of the early Christian movement, McFadden argues--a final judgment according to works.
Memory and Covenant:The Role of Israel's and God's Memory in Sustaining the Deuteronomic and Priestly Covenants
Memory and Covenant applies new insights into the meaning and function of social memory to analyze the two major "religions" of the Pentateuch (D and P) and their relationship to one another.
Chosen Nations: Pursuit of the Kingdom of God and Its Influence on Democratic Values in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain and the United States
At the heart of the biblical myth of chosenness is the idea that God has blessed a people to be a blessing to others. It is a mission of solemn responsibility.
Christ and Analogy: The Christocentric Metaphysics of Hans Urs von Balthasar
As one of the pillars of the nouvelle théologie movement, a main influence upon the Second Vatican Council,...
Christ Crucified in a Suffering World: The Unity of Atonement and Liberation
Nathan Hieb gives an innovative study that bridges the boundaries of method, doctrine, and praxis, creating a strong theological and action-oriented relationship between systematic and liberation theology.
Playful, Glad, and Free: Karl Barth and a Theology of Popular Culture
This book offers a critical analysis and reinterpretation of Karl Barth's theology of culture--the least studied aspect of his work--revealing his significance for contemporary work in theology of culture by applying his approach to the study of popular culture and entertainment.
Early Arabic Christian Contributions to Trinitarian Theology: The Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity in an Islamic Milieu
Ricks examines the exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity in a set of texts from key Arabic Christian thinkers from the eighth and ninth centuries.
The Interpreting Angel Motif in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature
Melvin traces the emergence and development of the motif of angelic interpretation of visions from late prophetic literature (Ezekiel 40-48; Zechariah 1-6) into early apocalyptic literature (1 Enoch 17-36; 72-82; Daniel 7-8).
Queering the Ethiopian Eunuch: Strategies of Ambiguity in Acts
As Sean D. Burke treats questions on the Ethiopian eunuch, he shows that eunuchs bore particular stereotyped associations regarding gender and sexual status as well as of race, ethnicity, and class.
Resurrection as Anti-Imperial Gospel: 1 Thessalonians 1:9b-10 in Context
Pillar explores the evidence in Paul's letter and in aspects of the Roman imperial culture in Thessalonica in order to imagine what that proclamation of Jesus' resurrection would have evoked for its first hearers.
The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth
A commanding volume for scholars and students in systematic theology, ecumenical studies, and sacramental theology.
We Are Who We Think We Were: Christian History and Christian Ethics
Conley calls into question the outdated historical methodologies in use in Christian social ethics and outlines the consequences stemming from them. By adopting the postmodern...
Divine Eloquence and Human Transformation: Rethinking Scripture and History through Gregory of Nazianzus and Hans Frei
Ben Fulford argues for a densely historical and theological reading of scripture centered in a Christological rubric.
Abraham Our Father: Paul and the Ancestors in Postcolonial Africa
Kamudzandu offers at last a model of multi-cultural Christianity forged in the experience of postcolonial Zimbabwe.
Transforming Vision: Explorations in Feminist The*logy
Drawing from a career of pioneering scholarship, Schüssler Fiorenza situates the critical feminist theory that has characterized her work in the praxis of...
The Arrogance of Nations, paperback edition: Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire
Elliott offers a fresh and surprising reinterpretation of Paul's letter to the Romans in the context of Roman imperial ideology, bringing to the text the latest...
Apostle to the Conquered, paperback edition: Reimagining Paul's Mission
What did Paul mean by identifying himself as "apostle to the nations"? Davina C. Lopez finds the surprising answer in the way the Roman Empire depicted the...
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