The Corner of Fourth and Nondual
Cynthia Bourgeault describes the foundations of her theology: a cosmological seeing with the eye of the heart, Benedictine daily rule informed by wisdom from the Asian traditions. She explains the influence of philosophers built on the cornerstones of the Incarnation and the Paschal Mystery, tied by the Trinity as a cosmogonic principle.
Return from a Distant Country
The work is a summary of Alister McGrath's vision of Christian theology, focusing on the distinct role of historical theology, the importance of engaging the relation of science and faith, the need for theologians to participate in major public debates, and the significance of theological education.
Everyone Must Eat: Food, Sustainability, and Ministry
Rural contexts are often over-looked, treated as "flyover land." But because everyone must eat, rural communities and their work in food production are important to the whole of society. Mark Yackel-Juleen, the executive director of Shalom Hill Farm, connects issues of food production and environmental sustainability in profound ways to the Bible and theology. He offers actionable tools for rural leaders and ministers to address issues of sustainability and land use in their ministry.
Women with 2020 Vision: American Theologians on the Voice, Vote, and Vision of Women
Women haven't always had the right to vote. From such diverse voices as John Stuart Mill and Cokie Roberts, the absolute right of both women and men to vote has been affirmed. In this exciting volume, thirteen theologians and religious leaders in America look back at the historic victory in 1920 when women in the United States won the right to vote. They then assess the current situation, and speak into the future.
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Rooted and Renewing: Imagining the Church’s Future in Light of Its New Testament Origins
As changes in demographics, participation, and leadership continue to roil faith communities in the Western world, questions about the historic roots of church communities have become all the more important. Rooted and Renewing explores everyday realities in the earliest church communities in order to help Christians discover how to be church in today's world. Aimed at church members and leaders alike, the book includes as study guide for with questions for reflection and discussion.
Moral Formation and the Virtuous Life
In Moral Formation and the Virtuous Life, volume editor Paul M. Blowers has translated and gathered several key texts from early Christian sources to explore the broad themes of moral conscience and ethics. This volume is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. The series aims to provide volumes that are relevant for a variety of courses.
Athanasius and His Legacy: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception
Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap., and Daniel A. Keating introduce readers to one the key thinkers of the fourth century and the chief architect of Christian doctrine: Athanasius. The authors carefully illuminate Athanasius's crucial text Against the Arians, unfolding the Trinitarian and incarnation framework of Athanasius's paramount concern (soteriology), and providing, in the second part, a robust map of the reception and influence of Athanasius's thought—from its immediate impact on the late fourth and fifth centuries (in the Cappadocians and Cyril) to its significance in the Eastern and Western traditions and its reception in contemporary thought.
Wealth and Poverty in Early Christianity
Wealth and Poverty in Early Christianity is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. This volume is designed to introduce the reader to the broad range of texts that reflect early Christian thoughts and practices on the topic of wealth and poverty.
Church and Empire
The history of the church's relationship with governing authorities unfolds from its beginnings at the intersection of apprehension and acceptance, collaboration and separation. This volume is dedicated to helping students chart this complex narrative through early Christian writings from the first six centuries of the Common Era. Church and Empire is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice.
Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle
These chapters explore a number of issues in the contemporary study of Paul raised by questing what it means to read Paul from "within Judaism" rather than supposing that he left the practice and promotion of living Jewishly behind after his discovery of Jesus as Christ (Messiah). This is a different question to those which have driven the "New Perspective" over the last thirty years, which still operates from many traditional assumptions about Paul's motives and behavior, viewing them as inconsistent with and critical of Judaism.
Exploring the Life and Calling
In this introductory volume for the Foundations for Learning series, Black asserts that while the primary subjects of seminary and professional church work training may dominate the interests of students, students must engage in the principal pursuit of understanding, then applying, Christian theology.
Exploring Theology
Elaine A. Robinson introduces readers to the study of theology as a central task of all Christians and one that deserves careful and consistent attention. Following a lively examination of what theology is and how we do it, Robinson provides a basic map of the major doctrines of the faith and asks readers to consider their own beliefs at this important point in their journey.
Sticky Learning: How Neuroscience Supports Teaching That's Remembered
Educators are engaging with neuroscientists to reshape classroom practices, content delivery, curriculum design, and physical classroom spaces to enhance students' learning and memory, primarily in elementary and secondary education. Why not in seminary education?
Understanding Bible by Design: Create Courses with Purpose
This book introduces the reader to Understanding by Design: an approach to course design that is proven time-efficient and grounded in the instructor's most closely-held convictions about her subject matter's "big ideas and essential questions."
Narrative Obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible
The author argues that attention to narrative obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible offers an entry point into the world of the narrator and thus promises to redefine aspects of narrative criticism.
A Case for Character: Towards a Lutheran Virtue Ethics
Contemporary Lutheranism has struggled with the appropriate place of morality and character formation, as these pursuits often have been perceived as being at odds with the central Christian doctrine of justification. A Case for Character explores this problem.
The Vision of Catholic Social Thought: The Virtue of Solidarity and the Praxis of Human Rights
The Vision of Catholic Social Thought traces the emergence of solidarity and human rights as critical theological and philosophical pillars of the anthropology and ethics foundational to the development of Catholic social teaching.
A People's History of Christianity, Student Edition: From the Reformation to the 21st Century, Volume 2
The essential material from A People's History of Christianity is available for classroom use covering topics from the Reformation to the Twenty-first Century.
Interpreting Abraham: Journeys to Moriah
The text presents a collection of essays that reflect upon the narrative of God's command to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22.
Saving Karl Barth: Hans Urs von Balthasar's Preoccupation
Long offers a substantial defense of Balthasar's theological preoccupation with Barth's thought and explores the friendship that developed between Balthasar and Barth.
Series and Themes
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