Jesus and the Victory of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 2
In this highly anticipated volume, N. T. Wright focuses directly on the historical Jesus: Who was he? What did he say? And what did he mean by it? Wright...
The Sermon on the Mount: A Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount
To study these sermons with Betz is to be vastly informed about all forms of gospel criticism, and ultimately, about Jesus himself.
An Evolving God, An Evolving Purpose, An Evolving World
Modernity must be able to absorb the notion of a cosmic and evolving God. The old notions of who is in charge, who is superior and whose theology is paramount is in a state of flux. Unless, or until, a new vision comes into play, directs our hearts, guides our business, underlies our technology, the world is not ready for the horizon of Newness.
The Primacy of Love
In an age of anxiety where reason is deified, what is the role of love? From the cosmological to the theological dimensions of existence, love is the irresistible force of attraction to the heart of God. The book is divided based on a metaphysics of love: we are born out of divine love, exist in love, and are oriented toward love.
Writing Theologically
In a collection of brief, readable essays, this volume emphasizes the vital skills, practices, and values involved in writing theologically. That is, how might students prepare themselves to communicate effectively, creatively, and beautifully, the insights they gather during their time in seminary?
Exploring Practices of Ministry
The authors share their wisdom with seminarians and other readers seeking to deepen theological reflection and expand skills as ministry practitioners. This book is a companion journal for pilgrims on the way to becoming confident practitioners of ministry.
A People's History of Christianity, Student Edition: From the Early Church to the Reformation, Volume 1
The essential material from A People's History of Christianity is available for classroom use covering topics from the Early Church to the Reformation.
The Theology of Martin Luther: A Critical Assessment
Does Martin Luther have anything to say to us today? Nearly five-hundred years after the beginning of the Reformation, Hans-Martin Barth explores that question
Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People: A Reader
The place and significance of Martin Luther in the long history of Christian anti-Jewish polemic has been and continues to be a contested issue. It is true that Luther's...
Treatise on Good Works: Luther Study Edition
Luther's transformational idea of justification by faith alone was often misunderstood and misrepresented in the early years of the Reformation. In 1520, with his...
Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader
Watch John Kaltner discuss his new book, Introducing the Qur'an. Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum. Award-winning professor John...
Qoheleth: A Commentary on the Book of Qoheleth
Qoheleth presents a special challenge not only for professional commentators but also for 'normal' readers of the Hebrew text (or a modern translation). . . ....
The Critical Edition of Q
A major new resource on the text and traditions of the Sayings Gospel. The existence of Q (simply defined as the non-Markan material common to Matthew and...
1 Peter: A Commentary on First Peter
This commentary, the fruit of years of research, is a gold-mine for clergy and an indispensable resource for students and scholars. Achtemeier brings to this...
Hosea: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Hosea
A fascinating commentary on one of the most difficult of the Old Testament prophets.
Micah: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Micah
With refreshing respect for the reader, Hillers lays out the evidence for his case cautiously and asks the readers to form their own decisions . . . He very...
The Good News of Creation: Eco-theology for Faithful Discipleship
Juan Stam considered himself a "radical evangelical," driven constantly to the roots of his faith in Biblical teaching. This volume is written in dialogue with both biblical passages and social analysis, applying his reflection to an evangelical vision for the transformation of Latin America's diverse contexts.
Erotic Defiance: Womanism, Freedom, and Resistance
Erotic Defiance considers the sacred and transformative power of the flesh, investigating the ethical and theological dimensions of the erotic experiences of Black women and performances of Black womanhood. Bryant approaches the erotic as a divine energy that manifests love through the flesh and makes healing, resistance, and self-making possible.
Interrupting a Gendered, Violent Church
Working at the intersections of gender studies and Christian theology--particularly diverse feminist and queer theologies--this book points to the real ways churches foster violence around gender. This volume discusses this violent reality while also exploring church as a nexus for resistance to gender-based violence.
Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical Approaches to Discipleship and Christian Formation
Authors from around the world bring together insights from their Evangelical and Orthodox traditions to enrich the journey of witness and martyrdom, a faithful daily living of the Christian gospel which speaks with integrity to a world seeking truth.
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