In the Midst of Chaos: Caring for Children as Spiritual Practice
In the Midst of Chaos, by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, explores parenting as spiritual practice.
Both honest about the difficulties and attentive to the blessings present in everyday life, it explores how parents might use seven daily practices, such as play, reading, chores, and saying goodbye or goodnight, as rich opportunities to shape both parent and child morally and spiritually.
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Preaching from the Old Testament
Walter Brueggemann shows Christian preachers how to consider the faith witnessed in several Old Testament traditions and to help them discover rich and suggestive connections to our contemporary faith challenges. He claims that sustained engagement with the Old Testament is worth the effort for the preacher. This volume is part of the new Working Preacher Books series designed to provide timely and compelling books on biblical preaching. God uses good preaching to change lives.
London, 1933-1935: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 13
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's pastoral sojourn in England from October 1933 to April of 1935, which he initially viewed as a withdrawal from the church clashes in...
2 Maccabees: A Critical Commentary
The second-century B.C.E. Maccabean revolt against Seleucid oppression was a watershed event in early Jewish history and Second Maccabees is an important...
$65.00Save 75%
The Song of Songs: A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs
Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song's exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative...
Addiction and Recovery: A Spiritual Pilgrimage
In Addiction and Recovery: A Spiritual Pilgrimage, Martha Postlethwaite—pastor of The Recovery Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and a person in recovery—reflects on her pilgrimage...
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Luther's Outlaw God, Volume 2: Hidden in the Cross
In this second of three volumes addressing Luther's outlaw God, Steven D. Paulson uses several biblical figures to illustrate Luther's understanding of law and gospel and what this means for preaching. With remarkable depth and clarity Paulson explores the question: Where do we find a gracious God? Luther's answer was: not in the law! Where then? Only in the publicly executed and hated God, Jesus Christ, hidden in the cross.
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Life Together: Reader's Edition
Dietrich Bonhoeffer bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to intrigue people from a variety of backgrounds. Life Together gathers Bonhoeffer’s 1938 reflections on the character of Christian community, based on the common life that he and his seminarians experienced at the Finkenwalde Seminary.
When Trauma Wounds: Pathways to Healing and Hope
In When Trauma Wounds, psychologist Karen A. McClintock combines psychological approaches with faith resources to improve trauma recovery. Whether you have experienced trauma or are a caregiving pastor, church member, or friend to a survivor, this book will familiarize you with trauma symptoms and healing strategies.
McClintock shows readers how to create a sanctuary to shelter a wounded soul. She helps trauma survivors find acceptance, hope, and healing.
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Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament
This commentary on the New Testament presents a balanced synthesis of current scholarship, enabling readers to interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world. The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for preaching, teaching, and research.
Elders Rising: The Promise and Peril of Aging
Riding the age wave with grace In this inspiring book, Roland D. Martinson draws on the folk wisdom and experience of over fifty persons between...
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Faith in a Hidden God: Luther, Kierkegaard, and the Binding of Isaac
The story of the binding of Isaac presents problems and opportunities for people who seek to live faithfully in relationship with a God who surpasses...
$79.00Save 75%
Proverbs 1-15
The book of Proverbs is more than the sum of its parts. Even if some proverbs could be older, the overall composition stems from the late Persian or early Hellenistic period. By introducing the scribal student to the foundations of sapiential knowledge and its critical reflection, the book of Proverbs comes close to the critical wisdom of Job and Qohelet. In addition to a detailed exegesis of the biblical text, this commentary presents new parallels from Egyptian wisdom literature.
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Theological Education at Finkenwalde: 1935-1937: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 14
This volume includes bible studies, sermons, and lectures on homiletics, pastoral care, and catechesis, giving a moving and up-close portrait of the Confessing Church in these crucial years.
Psalms 3: A Commentary on Psalms 101-150, Hermeneia series
In this "meticulous" commentary, "brilliantly" translated by Linda M. Maloney (Review of Biblical Literature), Hossfeld and Zenger provide for each psalm a...
Carrying Them with Us: Living through Pregnancy or Infant Loss
Carrying Them with Us: Living through Pregnancy and Infant Loss is a reflection on what pastors David M. Engelstad and Catherine A. Malotky have learned...
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They Don't Come with Instructions: Cries, Wisdom, and Hope for Parenting Children with Developmental Challenges
Hollie M. Holt-Woehl offers insights for the journey with a developmentally challenged child. As the mother of a son with an autism diagnosis, she also offers ways to keep hope.
The book focuses on the challenges of parenting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD), and/or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
Readers who seek to understand what it is like to live with a developmentally challenged child will appreciate Holt-Woehl's down-to-earth and compassionate approach.
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The Augsburg Confession: Renewing Lutheran Faith and Practice
The Augsburg Confession is the single most-important confession of faith among Lutherans today. However, it is often taught either from a historical perspective or from a dogmatic one. Timothy J. Wengert situates the history and the theology of this document within the practice and life of faith and so shows just how relevant the Confession's witness is for today's Lutheran parishes and their leaders.
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The Good News of Creation: Eco-theology for Faithful Discipleship
Juan Stam considered himself a "radical evangelical," driven constantly to the roots of his faith in Biblical teaching. This volume is written in dialogue with both biblical passages and social analysis, applying his reflection to an evangelical vision for the transformation of Latin America's diverse contexts.
Celebrating Life in Community: Reflections in Social Ethics and the Church, Essays in Honour of Murray W. Dempster
With some of the finest scholars in Pentecostal and Evangelical studies, this book approaches pastoral and academic dynamics dear to the thought and practice of Murray W. Dempster. Three overriding themes are addressed: biblical and theological studies, peacemaking and the Christian witness, and the work of the church in the broader community.
Series and Themes
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