Evangelism and Diakonia in Context
In a world of uncertainty, this volume advocates for a humble confidence in the reconciling work of the Community-of-Love. Further, by bringing together diverse Christian perspectives, Vol 32: Evangelism and Diakonia in Context models the reconciling power of the whole gospel and invites readers to share the good news.
Mission and Power: History, Relevance and Perils
Christian mission is unavoidably located within matrices of power structures: religion, culture, colonial power, economic and gender. Vol 33: Mission and Power explores the notion of power in relation to Christian mission, how power structures have been negotiated between Christian mission and local culture/religions, and more.
Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends
Vol 34: Mission in Central & Eastern Europe brings together significant contributions from over thirty theologians, missiologists and practitioners from this part of the world. These articles explore the complex missiological thinking and praxis this region, highlighting concrete missiological endeavours, challenges and opportunities.
Mission Continues: Global Impulses for the 21st Century
Vol 4: Mission Continues is a collection of papers delivered at the Wuppertal consultation in 2009, a gathering of thirty-five worldwide theologians in preparation for the hundredth anniversary of the Edinburgh conference. The varied voices in this volume process and reflect on the twenty-first century's challenges for mission.
Holistic Mission: God's Plan for God's People
Vol 5: Holistic Mission reaffirms that to be true to the Bible, the church must address the whole person in all their needs. With nineteen writers, church leaders and academics, this book considers the meaning of holistic gospel and its implications for church groups, missionary societies and theological training.
The Church Going Glocal: Mission and Globalisation
Vol 6: The Church Going Glocal provides thought-provoking and inspiring reading for all concerned with mission in the twenty-first century, challenging readers to contributors to rethink gospel ministries in new local contexts marked by globalisation and migration.
Evangelical and Frontier Mission: Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel
Over the twentieth century, evangelicalism's worldwide growth was fueled by missionaries serving every corner of the globe. Vol 9: Evangelical & Frontier Mission reflects on the past century and these stories of growth that too often went unnoticed or uncelebrated in the moment.
What does Love have to do with Leadership?
Which values are central and deliberate in transforming leadership theory? What Does Love Have to Do With Leadership? examines the construct of love from multiple lenses, particularly in relationship to leadership that transforms.
When Women Speak...
The twentieth century should be remembered in missions as the time when women got lost, all too often excluded from missiological discourse and strategic mission discussion. When Women Speak signals a revival in the contribution of women to mission in a way that values what they have to offer.
Witnessing to Christ In a Multi-Religious Context
The essays in Witnessing to Christ In a Multi Religious Context focus on Norway's developing multi-religious context, but they function like paradigms of the kind of theology and missiology that needs to be done in many contexts throughout the world.
World Christianity in Western Europe: Diasporic Identity, Narratives & Missiology
World Christianity in Western Europe investigates the development of World Christianity in Western Europe through the prisms of Diasporic Identity, migrant narratives and their mission theology, while considering the complex Christian identity of people migrating to Europe, their stories and mission praxis.
Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives, Ecumenical Trends, Regional Surveys
Transmission of Christian memory, education for God's peace and justice, and formation for church and community leadership should be priorities in all churches. Yet theological education is often far from secure. The Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity lays the groundwork for these vital seedbeds of World Christianity.
Handbook of Theological Education in Africa
The Handbook of Theological Education in Africa is a fascinating witness to the explosive status quo of theological education, following the drastic achievements in the subject in the late twentieth century. These historical and regional surveys document how fast Christianity in Africa has taken root historically, geographically and ecumenically.
Good News from Africa: Community Transformation Through the Church
Good News from Africa discusses how sustainable, holistic community development can be, and is being, achieved through the work of the local church. Leading African development practitioners describe different aspects of development through their own experiences.
God Has Not Left Himself Without Witness
Focusing on the views of Krishna Mohan Banerjea and Sadhu Sundar Singh, God Has Not Left Himself Without Witness presents a case for the revitalisation of the fulfilment tradition based on a recovery and assessment of the approaches of Indian Christian converts in the pre-independence period.
From this World to the Next: Christian Identity and Funerary Rites in Nepal
From this World to the Next explores and analyses funerary rite struggles in Nepal, where Christianity is a comparatively recent phenomenon, and many families have Christian and Hindu, Buddhist and Tradionalist (kiranti) members, who go through traumatic experiences at the death of their family members.
Friends in the Mission of God: Relationships in Four Stories of Evangelical Mission History
This is an abridged version of Doug Birdsall's thesis, "Conflict and Collaboration." It explores four stories of evangelical mission history in the late twentieth century.
Following Jesus: Journeys in Radical Discipleship: Essays in Honor of Ronald J. Sider
Ronald J. Sider, founder of Evangelicals for Social Action, contributed greatly to social justice via the vision of biblical discipleship. Following Jesus reflects on the gospel and its radical contemporary implications in Sider's honor, featuring commentary from Craig Keener, Vinay Samuel, Melba Maggay, John Perkins and Heid Unruh.
Finding Our Way Through the Traffick: Navigating the Complexities of a Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking
From prevention to outreach, aftercare, education, organisation and self-care for advocates themselves, Finding Our Way Through the Traffick is an essential guide for those who are called to combat sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Female Education and Mission: A Burkina Faso Experience
Whereas religious culture and traditions were once a barrier to women's education in Burkina Faso, Female Education and Mission presents research that Christianity is part of the solution to women receiving quality education and to the country's overall socio-economic growth.
Series and Themes
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