Contemporary Christologies: A Fortress Introduction
While many know of the signal contributions of such twentieth-century giants as Paul Tillich or Karl Barth or Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the important work...
Pilgrimage as Spiritual Practice: A Handbook for Teachers, Wayfarers, and Guides
This book provides a handbook of resources to aid the study and practice of pilgrimage for leaders and pilgrims. The first part of the book explores aspects of the pilgrimage phenomenon: philosophy, theology, anthropology, psychology, medieval literature, art history. The second part addresses specific pilgrimage experiences and contexts.
Exploring Theology
Elaine A. Robinson introduces readers to the study of theology as a central task of all Christians and one that deserves careful and consistent attention. Following a lively examination of what theology is and how we do it, Robinson provides a basic map of the major doctrines of the faith and asks readers to consider their own beliefs at this important point in their journey.
Charging Interest: Medieval Wisdom for a Modern Financial Crisis
Charging Interest explores the explosive tract written by Martin Luther which summarizes his views on poverty caused by an economic system that stopped caring for the well-being of God's children. Luther exhorts clergy to ex-communicate those causing poverty through their ruthless economic behavior or risk God's judgment alongside the perpetrators.
Christian Understandings of the Trinity: The Historical Trajectory
In this creative approach to the doctrine of the Trinity, author Veli- Matti Kärkkäinen focuses on keeping a dynamic balance between the intellectual-doctrinal and spiritual-charismatic approaches as...
Christian Understandings of Evil: The Historical Trajectory
Charlene Burns offers a brief but thorough tour through more than two millennia of thought on the nature of evil. Starting with the contexts of the Hebrew Bible and moving forward, Burns outlines the many ways that Christian thought has attempted to deal with the reality of evil and suffering.
Christian Understandings of the Future: The Historical Trajectory
With engaging sketches of the book of Daniel to contemporary America, Amy Frykholm offers a tour through more than two millennia of Christian thought on the future. Frykholm outlines the enduring fascination believers have had for future events and the myriad ways they have articulated their beliefs about what the future holds.
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
In his The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther set forth a reconsideration of the sacramental Christian life that centered on the word. His thesis is that the papacy had distorted the sacraments with its own traditions and regulations, transforming them into a system of control and coercion.
The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition
In autumn 1525, Luther wrote The Bondage of the Will as a response to humanist and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam, who had criticized Luther's teachings in the diatribe On Free Will. Luther's argument on the matter of the bound and free will poses a challenge and an invitation for constructive contemporary theology.
Treatise on Good Works, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
Timothy J. Wengert shows Luther's Treatise on Good Works to be one of the clearest introductions to Luther's reforming work and theology. Luther's goal was to commend a new, down-to-earth piety to all Christians through a radically different meaning of good works that would transform the way believers practiced their faith.
To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
With great clarity and insight, James M. Estes illuminates Luther's call to secular authorities to help with the reform of the church in this important 1520 treatise. To combat Rome's intransigent opposition to reform of any sort, Luther appealed to secular rulers to intervene and clear the way for ecclesiastical reform.
Christian Thought in America: A Brief History
Christian Thought in America: A Brief History is a short, accessible overview of the history of Christian thought in America, from the Puritans and other colonials to the beginning of the twenty-first century.
eBook-A Study Companion to Introduction to the History of Christianity: Second Edition
The Study Companion is a valuable additional resource for introductory courses in church history that use Tim Dowley's popular Introduction to the History of Christianity.
Education Theology
53 Products