Fortress Press

Education Theology

  • The Emergence of Islam, 2nd Edition: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective

    The Emergence of Islam, 2nd Edition: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective

    Gabriel Said Reynolds (Author)

    Now in an updated second edition, Gabriel Said Reynolds tells the story of Islam in this brief survey, beginning with Muhammad's early life and rise to power, then tracing the origins and development of the Qur'an juxtaposed with biblical literature, and concluding with an overview of modern and fundamentalist narratives of the origin of Islam.


  • Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil

    Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil

    Hans Schwarz (Author)

    How is it possible to reconcile the manifest evil and pain in the world with the biblical promise of hope and redemption?

    To this question, Schwarz brings both pastoral sensitivity and scholarly acumen. Informed by decades in the classroom, Schwarz offers a sweeping survey across the broad span of Christian history.

    The book aims to help readers understand the broad sweep of human thought and make informed assessments of the issue for themselves.


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  • Constructive Theology: A Contemporary Approach to Classical Themes

    Constructive Theology: A Contemporary Approach to Classical Themes

    Serene Jones (Editor), Paul Lakeland (Editor)

    Coordinated by Serene Jones of Yale Divinity School and Paul Lakeland of Fairfield University, fifty of North America's top teaching theologians (members of the...


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  • Nuestra fe: Una introducción a la teología cristiana, segunda edición revisada

    Nuestra fe: Una introducción a la teología cristiana, segunda edición revisada

    Nancy Elizabeth Bedford (Author), Guillermo Hansen (Author)

    Esta segunda edición, corregida y aumentada, recorre temas centrales – como la trinidad, cristología, escatología, y pneumatología – entrelazándolos con toques específicos de la tradición protestante desde una perspectiva latina atenta al estado actual de nuestras sociedades y culturas.


  • The Art of Living for A Technological Age

    The Art of Living for A Technological Age

    Ashley John Moyse (Editor), Scott A. Kirkland (Editor)

    The Art of Living for A Technological Age sketches the crisis of our late modern age, where persons are enamored by the promises of progress and disciplined to form by the power of technology--the ontology of our age. Yet, it also offers a response, attending to those performative activities, educative and transformative social practices that might allow us to live humanly and bear witness to human being (becoming) for a technological age.


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  • Understandings of the Church

    Understandings of the Church

    George Kalantzis (Editor), Everett Ferguson (Editor)

    Understandings of the Church explores the ways imagery is used by biblical writers and early Christian teachers such as Cyprian, Ignatius of Antioch, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen to describe the concept of church. Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources is a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. Developed in light of recent patristic scholarship for new generations of students of theology, the volumes will provide a representative sampling of theological contributions from both East and West.


  • The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology

    Christophe Chalamet (Editor)

    This volume, edited by Christophe Chalamet, traces the development of modern theology through key readings from over thirty-five theologians, from Erasmus to Pannenberg, whose writings relate to the birth of modern historical and critical exegesis and, more broadly, to the emergence, among theologians and biblical scholars, of a certain historical consciousness that characterizes vast segments of modernity. This volume is an ideal textbook for in-depth study of one of the most important topics in modern theology.


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  • Thinking Theologically

    Thinking Theologically

    Eric D. Barreto (Editor)

    Thinking theologically is not just a cerebral matter; thinking theologically invokes an embodied set of practices and values that shape individuals and communities alike. In a collection of brief, readable essays, this edited volume—as part of the Foundations for Learning series—emphasizes the vital skills, practice, and values involved in thinking theologically.


  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture

    Euan K. Cameron (Editor)

    This volume features Martin Luther the exegete and Bible teacher. His vast exegetical writings and lectures on Scripture are introduced through important examples from both...


  • Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives

    Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives

    Francis Schüssler Fiorenza (Editor), John P. Galvin (Editor)

    Unique among contemporary resources, the landmark Systematic Theology and its distinguished contributors present the major areas or loci of Roman Catholic...


  • Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women

    Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women

    Grace Ji-Sun Kim (Author)

    In Invisible, Grace Ji-Sun Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women's invisibility. Speaking with the weight of her personal narrative, she proclaims that the histories, experiences, and voices of Asian American women must be rescued from obscurity. Speaking with the weight of a theologian, she powerfully paves the way for a theology of visibility that honors the voice and identity of these women.


  • Issues in Contemporary Christian Thought: A Fortress Introduction

    Issues in Contemporary Christian Thought: A Fortress Introduction

    Duane Olson (Author)

    Duane Olson's new textbook uniquely focuses on the central points at issue in contemporary Christian reflection. Olson's clear and concise overview roots...


  • Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives

    Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives

    Anne Perez (Author)

    Understanding Zionism introduces the rise and development of the Zionist movement, its various streams, and the impact of Zionism on government and society in Israel. The book examines special topics, such as the phenomenon of Christian Zionism, movements of opposition to Zionism, and frameworks regarding the future direction(s) of Zionism.


  • The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Timothy J. Wengert (Editor)

    Timothy J. Wengert skillfully sheds light on Luther's popular treatise. As controversy concerning his writings grew, Luther wrote a reconciliation-minded letter to Pope Leo X (1475-1521). To this letter he appended a nonpolemical tract describing the heart of his beliefs, The Freedom of a Christian.


  • Writing Theologically

    Writing Theologically

    Eric D. Barreto (Editor)

    In a collection of brief, readable essays, this volume emphasizes the vital skills, practices, and values involved in writing theologically. That is, how might students prepare themselves to communicate effectively, creatively, and beautifully, the insights they gather during their time in seminary?


  • Letters to a Young Theologian

    Letters to a Young Theologian

    Henco van der Westhuizen (Editor)

    In this volume, Van der Westhuizen has assembled an outstanding and diverse array of theologians who offer their wisdom and reflection on what it means to be a theologian. Each contributor's brief letter considering the vocation is as unique as its author. Together the letters form a rich symphony on the art and craft of being a theologian.


  • Pilgrim Letters: Instruction in the Basic Teaching of Christ

    Pilgrim Letters: Instruction in the Basic Teaching of Christ

    Curtis W. Freeman (Author)

    In Pilgrim Letters, Curtis Freeman takes disciples on a contemporary journey into an ancient faith. The volume comprises a series of letters written by "Interpreter" to "Pilgrim" that provide "instruction in the basic teaching of Christ" for candidates preparing to be baptized. In these letters, Freeman lays the building blocks for the life of a disciple. He blends historic Christian teaching with illustrations from literature to form a guide to belief and practice.


  • Christian Understandings of Creation: The Historical Trajectory

    Christian Understandings of Creation: The Historical Trajectory

    Denis Edwards (Author)

    Throughout the two-thousand-year span of Christian history, believers in Jesus have sought to articulate their faith and their understanding of how God works in the...


  • A New Climate for Christology: Kenosis, Climate Change, and Befriending Nature

    A New Climate for Christology: Kenosis, Climate Change, and Befriending Nature

    Sallie McFague (Author)

    For decades, Sallie McFague lent her voice and theological imagination to advocating for the most important issues of our time. In this final book, finished before her death in 2019, McFague summarizes the work of a lifetime with a clear call to live in "such a way that all might flourish." The way, she argues, is the "kenotic interpretation of Christianity: the odd arrangement whereby in order to gain your life, you must lose it."


  • Reading Theologically

    Reading Theologically

    Eric D. Barreto (Editor)

    This brief, readable, edited volume emphasizes the vital skills, habits, practices, and values involved in reading theologically. Reading Theologically is a vital resource for students beginning the seminary process and professors of introductory level seminary courses.
