Interreligious Learning and Teaching: A Christian Rationale for a Transformative Praxis
There is still resistance in Christian institutions to interreligious dialogue. this attitude belies the current culture in which we live, which constantly exposes us to the beliefs and practices of others. Kristin Johnston Largen sees this setting as an opportunity and seeks to provide not only the theological grounding for such a position but also some practical advice on how both to teach and live out this conviction.
eBook-Pedagogies for Student-Centered Learning: Online and On-Ground
The question of determining what pedagogies to use within the classroom (on-ground or virtual) can often plague teachers given the preferences of today's student. This book will help you to identify the difference between teacher-centered and student-centered learning and the various pedagogies commonly associated with each.
Maps and Meaning: Levitical Models for Contemporary Care
Drawing on contemporary explorations of stigma, the authors of Maps and Meaning raise communal questions related to healthcare, returning veterans, and incarcerated people. They propose a societal approach that embraces the inevitability of life's ebbs and flow and that draws maps to facilitate these journeys.
Newman and Life in the Spirit: Theological Reflections on Spirituality for Today
Newman and Life in the Spirit collects essays from leading theologians and scholars examining the theology and spirituality of one of the most important and beloved nineteenth century theologians, the recently beatified John Henry Newman.
The End of Hope--The Beginning: Narratives of Hope in the Face of Death and Trauma
A skilled and compassionate storyteller, McCarroll introduces readers to five expressions of hope through detailed and poignant case studies.
Treasures Old and New: Images in the Lectionary
In Treasures Old and New Gail Ramshaw illuminates forty primary images from the three-year lectionary. With each of the images she considers related terms,...
eBook-By the Rivers of Babylon: Blueprint for a Church in Exile
Robert Hoch reads the larger North American tradition of Christian worship and mission through the prism of visibly marginalized communities.
eBook-Theologians in Their Own Words
Theologians in Their Own Words is a volume of 23 brief, straight-forward autobiographical statements from many of the most important theologians and scholars of religion of recent decades.
The Revised Common Lectionary: 20th Anniversary Annotated Edition
This edition includes the definitive list of RCL citations together with a new comprehensive introduction and notes to the reading sets, illuminating the origin and development of the lectionary...
Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy in Relational and Theological Perspective
Many Voices is a must-read textbook for pastoral psychotherapists and pastoral counselors in clinical training as well as a guide for those in professional...
eBook-Inscribing the Text: Sermons and Prayers of Walter Brueggemann
"This volume contains the most recent collection of Walter Brueggemann's sermons and prayers. That would be notable in itself: another dazzling set of words...
Preaching from the Lectionary: An Exegetical Commentary: Stand-alone CD-ROM
In this rich and deeply informative resource, one of the most learned and insightful biblical scholars of our time provides an exegetical analysis of each...
Women Out of Order: Risking Change and Creating Care in a Multicultural World
While there are many similarities among women's experiences, there are undeniable and important differences as well. Assembling a leading group of theologians,...
Holy Ground: A Liturgical Cosmology
Now available in paperback, Holy Ground illumines how the central symbols and interactions of Christian liturgy yield a new understanding and experience of the...
The Green Psalter: Resources for an Ecological Spirituality
Concern for the earth and biblical faith have had an uneasy relationship: ecological theologians have often cited biblical themes of dominion or...
Lives Entrusted: An Ethic of Trust for Ministry
Behind all the issues of ministerial conduct and character lies a simple reality. The heart of ministerial ethics and integrity, argues Barbara Blodgett, is...
Sharing Food: Christian Practices for Enjoyment
Our everyday personal, familial, and communal practices of eating, says Jung, have the potential for making us more attentive to our life purposes, more attuned...
Mission under Scrutiny: Confronting Contemporary Challenges
What is Christian mission in a world post-everything? This volume is a masterful rethinking of the problems and prospect of the Christian vocation to mission in...
The Experience of God: Icons of the Mystery
In this beautiful meditation, Panikkar charts the paradoxes and possibilities of our experience of God. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from the Bible and...
Academic Theology Systematic Practical
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