Pastoral Care and Counseling with Latino/as
The Latino population is a pastorally challenging polyculture. This diversity requires spiritual caregivers to approach every Hispanic individual with...
The Church Enslaved: A Spirituality for Racial Reconciliation
Two of the most vocal activists on racial issues in the church seek nothing less than a conversion of American Christianity. They directly challenge the...
Spirit and Resistance: Political Theology and American Indian Liberation
Writing from a Native American perspective, theologian George Tinker probes American Indian culture, its vast religious and cultural legacy, and its ambiguous...
The Word Made Plain: The Power and Promise of Preaching
Preaching mediates the word of God into a cultural matrix. And no American preaching has done so more effectively and powerfully than African American...
Prayers from the East: Traditions of Eastern Christianity
This rich anthology offers new insight into an ancient form of Christianity still little understood in the West. An introduction to the rich diversity of the...
The Right Road: Life Choices for Clergy
Many clergy are in startlingly bad health. Not only do they regularly report depression, stress, and serious family and financial problems, they also exhibit...
The Ministry of Children's Education: Foundations, Contexts, and Practices
This highly anticipated resource establishes the importance of children's education to the life of today's faith communities. A very readable textbook, The...
Short-Term Spiritual Guidance
This book represents a significant departure from most contemporary writing about spiritual direction. While most writers focus on long-term relationships of...
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, A Handbook: Volume 1
This book examines the ways religion and spirituality are experienced by aging persons within an aging society. It aims to encompass the wholeness of the...
In a Dark Wood: Journeys of Faith and Doubt
Doubt is as natural an experience as faith and what theologian Paul Tillich called an indispensable component of authentic faith. In this book an extraordinary...
Healing Bodies and Souls: A Practical Guide for Congregations
As healthcare leaders widely recognize, churches are second homes to their members and ideally situated—indeed called—to serve their communities...
Beyond the Scandals: A Guide to Healthy Sexuality for Clergy
Recent sexual scandals have rocked the North American religious scene and left the churches concerned about credibility and liability. What are the bounds of...
Design for Preaching
An extremely modern approach on how to preach, stressing the individuality of each sermon. An aid to the experienced preacher as well as the seminary...
Literary Companion to the Festivals
This beautiful volume offers poems and other literary readings to enhance liturgical celebration of the church's Lesser Festivals and Commemorations. Drawn...
Clothed in Nothingness: Consolation for Suffering
Where is God when one suffers? How may one be consoled? How do people understand their religious beliefs in relation to suffering? When they encounter genuine...
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, A Handbook: Volume 2
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, Volume 1 published in 1995 by Fortress Press, provided the sociological, psychological, and theological perspectives for...
When Violence Is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintance Rape
"It is not my enemies who taunt me?I could bear that.... It is you, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend...." Ps. 55:12-13 The paucity of...
Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús
This multi-authored, ecumenical book presents a theology of ministry based on the experience of Hispanic communities in the United States. Composed in...
Hidden Spring: The Spiritual Dimension of Therapy, Second Edition
Increasingly pastoral counselors—along with psychotherapists and social workers—feel the need to integrate spirituality into their therapy. Thomas...
A Servant's Manual: Christian Leadership for Tomorrow
Christians and their institutions are stuck, says Michael Foss, stuck in the thinking and dilemmas of the past. This short volume is a plea for Christians to...
Academic Theology Systematic Practical
258 Products