Jesus in Context: Power, People, and Performance
What difference did empire make for Jesus and his disciples? What difference did empire make for the broader social currents of which he and they were a part?...
Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts, Second Edition
Hanson and Oakman's award-winning and illuminating volume has become a widely used and cited introduction to the social context of Jesus and the early Jesus...
Jesus and the Message of the New Testament
Joachim Jeremias was one of the most innovative and productive New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. This volume brings together some of his...
The Message and the Kingdom: How Jesus & Paul Ignited a Revolution & Transformed the Ancient World
Set against the backdrop of Roman imperial history, The Message and the Kingdom demonstrates how the quest for the kingdom of God by Jesus, Paul, and the...
The Sayings of Jesus: The Sayings Gospel Q in English
Presenting the Sayings Gospel Q succinctly. Taking the English text from the International Q Project's authoritative The Critical Edition of Q (Fortress...
The Ancient Church as Family
The author explores the literature of the first three centuries of the church in terms of group identity and formation as surrogate kinship. Why did this...
Who Is Jesus?: History in Perfect Tense
In Who Is Jesus? Keck clarifies the difference between the way Jesus is presented in the Gospels and the way critical historians portray him. He then...
The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide
In the continuing quest for the elusive but compelling figure of Jesus of Nazareth, Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz's authoritative yet engaging book is the...
This book makes a certain demand on its readers, though perhaps less on the professional theologian au fait with current research than on the layperson, for...
Jesus and the Spiral of Violence: Popular Jewish Resistance in Roman Palestine
From this engrossing portrait of first-century Palestine, Jesus emerges as the catalyst of nonviolent social revolution that anticipates the renewal of...
Galatians: Continental Commentaries
The long-awaited commentary by Dieter Lührmann is now available to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is a profound, succinctly written...
The New Testament and the People of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 1
This first volume in the series Christian Origins and the Question of God provides a historical, theological, and literary study of first-century Judaism and...
The Narrative Unity of Luke—Acts: A Literary Interpretation: Volume Two: The Acts of the Apostles
Demonstrates how the repetitions of ideas and formal structures function both to reinforce concepts and to achieve ideological progression.
The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles
There are many English commentaries on these letters, but none so replete with quotations (some quite extensive) from extra-biblical materials, whether...
Jesus and Community: The Social Dimensions of Christian Faith
The author calls the present-day church to once again be the "contrast society," which attracts non-believers by living what it preaches and by being different without being narrowly sectarian.
An Asian Introduction to the New Testament
As the Asian context is the cradle of many of the world's religions, the New Testament writings should be interpreted and reinterpreted by accepting their pluriform religious and ideological aspects. Moreover, the existence of multiple Christian denominations demands a doctrinally and conceptually balanced interpretation of the Scriptures. This book will demonstrate inclusive biblical claims within multireligious and multidenominational contexts.
Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul, 1978-2013
This companion volume to Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Paul and His Recent Interpreters brings together N. T. Wright's most important articles on Paul and his letters over the last three decades.
Acts of the Apostles: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries
Acts of the Apostles helps the preacher identify possibilities for sermons based on texts and themes in the book of Acts.
Documents and Images for the Study of Paul
The world surrounding Paul and the assemblies comes vividly to life here. Documents and Images for the Study of Paul gathers representative texts illustrating...
Scapegoats: The Gospel through the Eyes of Victims
Christians today tend to read the New Testament as victors, not as victims. The Gospels then become one story about individual salvation rather than distinct representations of Jesus's revolutionary work on behalf of victims. Scapegoats revisits the Gospels through the lens of the scapegoats' stories where the kingdom of God is revealed.
Academic Bible New Testament
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