True to Our Native Land, Second Edition: An African American New Testament Commentary
True to Our Native Land is a pioneering commentary of the New Testament that sets biblical interpretation firmly in the context of African American experience and concern. The second edition includes updated commentaries and essays.
The Africana Bible, Second Edition: Reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora
The second edition features an updated commentary on each book of the Hebrew Bible that is authoritative for African and African-diaspora communities worldwide. It highlights issues of the Black community (such as globalization and the colonial legacy) and the distinctive norms of interpretation in African and African-diaspora settings.
Song of Songs: A Commentary
Berlin approaches the Song of Songs as a Jewish-Hellenistic work of love poetry. She notes Greek ideas throughout the book and shows how they have been adjusted into Jewish thought and literary forms. Going beyond previous studies, this volume emphasizes that the Song's blending of the Jewish and the Greek is part of its literary virtuosity.
Available January 7, 2025
Capernaum: Jews and Christians in the Ancient Village from the Time of Jesus to the Emergence of Islam
The book meets the needs of scholars and students of New Testament Studies, Rabbinics, Patristics/Byzantine Studies, and Galilean Studies for information on the localized historical development of Jewish-Christian interaction in the town of Capernaum through the integration of archaeological and literary sources.
Gospel as Letter: A Commentary on 1 Thessalonians
This reading of 1 Thessalonians--quite possibly the earliest text in the Christian canon--tracks the "media revolution" when the gospel moved from oral to written form. The commentary pays careful attention to ethics (how the gospel translates into Christian living) and theology (how the gospel resolves some of the basic fears of life).
Available January 7, 2025
Quiet Voices: Silence in the Hebrew Bible
Silence occurs between words during conversation and between musical notes in a composition, and is an indicator of mood and emotion. Examining silence in the context of the Bible gives the reader the opportunity to ask significant questions about why silence occurs, its value to life, and how it relates to our understanding of God.
Reading the Margins: Encounters with the Bible in Literature
Reading the Margins engages with literature to offer a kind of commentary on biblical ethics. Using Matthew's Beatitudes and sheep and goats parable as an organizing principle, Gilmour argues there is much to learn about Jesus's "peacemakers" and the call to feed the hungry from aspirational fiction and poetry.
Early High Christology: John among the New Testament Writers
Over the past forty years, scholarship on John's Gospel has explored its theological vision and literary coherence. Marianne Meye Thompson's scholarship has contributed richly to this field of study. Here, some of today's top scholars advance our understanding of the Fourth Gospel by studying its relationships to other biblical texts.
The Proverbial Woman: Class, Gender, and Power in Hebrew Poetry
The Proverbial Woman offers a narrative and dialogical approach to the text of Proverbs 31 that unearths the poetry's social, sexual, and political silences and silencings. Chase excavates the power dynamics that promote elite ideologies even as gaps, ambiguities, and contradictions enable marginalized perspectives within the text to resist them.
Unspoiled Endings: Reclaiming the Book of Revelation from Misuse and Neglect
Unspoiled Endings offers a historical, literary, and theological reading that explains how and why Revelation relates to the life of faith. It serves as a corrective to understandings of Revelation shaped more by the Left Behind series than by the book itself, and as an invitation to those who would otherwise never think to read or study the book.
God, Gender, and Family Trauma: How Rereading Genesis Can Be a Revelation
Driver uses trauma-informed scholarship and Jewish midrash to invite readers into new understandings of Genesis. Viewing figures such as Sarah, Joseph, Tamar, and Dinah through this lens sheds valuable light on what the Bible can teach us about gender and family trauma. These ancient stories have implications for our own lives in ministry.
Available March 11, 2025
Job: Understanding the Biblical Archetype of Patience
In Job: Understanding the Biblical Archetype of Patience, Samuel E. Balentine examines the rich and varied history of interpretation of Job by focusing on the principal characters in the story. Comparing the different interpretations from various time periods and cultures reveals a compelling understanding about the story of Job.
Solomon: Israel’s Icon of Human Achievement
Through Solomon and his place in the larger consciousness of Israel, Walter Brueggemann considers what narratives reveal about the ideals of the ancient Israelite people. Paying attention to nuances of the biblical text, he exposes the competing voices that claim to offer a reliable rendering of Solomon and invites critique of accepted beliefs.
Texts of Terror (40th Anniversary Edition): Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives
In this seminal work of biblical scholarship, Phyllis Trible focuses on four variations on the theme of terror in the Bible as she reinterprets the stories of four women in ancient Israel. Trible shows how these neglected stories--interpreted in memoriam--challenge both the misogyny of Scripture and its use in church, synagogue, and academy.
Jeremiah: The World and the Wound of God
Jeremiah exposes the corruption of religious commitments, addresses national trauma and uncertainty, and proclaims the requirements of true lament and resolve. Daniel Berrigan's fiery, spiritual reading of the prophet Jeremiah evokes social action, religious courage, and personal witness.
Priestly Presence: A Church for the World’s Sake
Priestly Presence explores five dimensions of priestly service as a model for church-world relations. Nugent explores the meaning of each dimension and fleshes out practical implications for local congregations. In so doing, he provides a compelling approach to church-world relations that today's fractured church desperately needs.
2 Chronicles: A Commentary
Ralph W. Klein's magisterial commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles is now complete. Klein brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler...
$68.00Save 75%
The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical Literature
The Historical Writings introduces students to the character of the Deuteronomistic History and other historical writings (Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles); to the different roles history-writing plays throughout the Hebrew Bible; and to the key historical questions and methods shaping contemporary scholarly debate.
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God Trauma and Wisdom Therapy: A Commentary on Job
This volume challenges readers to recognize an alternative interpretation of the book of Job that is based on wisdom and not covenant. In doing so, it provides a basis to explore the role of trauma and its healing.
Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation. Thirtieth Anniversary Expanded Edition
A hallmark of American Black religion is its distinctive use of the Bible in creating community, resisting oppression, and fomenting social change. Stony the Road We Trod accomplishes this--and much more. This expanded edition contains a new introduction and three new essays that underscore the historic importance of this book for a new generation.
$32.00Save 75%
Academic Bible
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