Fortress Press

The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church's Public Witness

The Forgotten Luther II

Reclaiming the Church's Public Witness

Ryan P. Cumming (Editor), Paul A. Wee (Editor)


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In this critical time in history, this volume argues that what is urgently needed is a cogent, clear, biblically based and theologically grounded rationale for the manner in which the church speaks and acts in the political arena. Lured at times into other-worldly quietism because of the pressure of historical events or distorted through a rigid understanding of the two kingdoms, the church of the Reformation has at times been silent in addressing the political factors that create and contribute to hunger, injustice, and war. This book looks carefully at the public witness of Martin Luther and its meaning for preaching, teaching, and carrying out public ministry today.

Luther's conviction was that government is responsible to God for containing evil and maintaining peace and good order, and for ensuring that no person is hungry or in want.

The book asks critical questions: When should the church support the state's agenda? When should it resist? What are the options for critical but constructive cooperation?

This helpful volume includes essays from leading Lutheran theologians, a summary description of what this means for local ministry, and a study guide to encourage conversation and action.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506447087
  • eBook ISBN 9781506447094
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 113
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019

Table of Contents

Introduction: Conrad Braaten and Paul Wee
Chapter 1: Reclaiming Luther's Public Witness on Church, State, and War
Carter Lindberg
Chapter 2: Lutheran Faith: Rebellion and Responsibility, Kirsi Stjerna
Chapter 3: Reclaiming the Empowerment of Ordinary People, Mary Jane Haemig
Chapter 4 Reclaiming an Ethic of Care in Luther's Theology of Embodiment, Wanda Deifelt
Chapter 5: Reclaiming the Legacies of Martin Luther and James Baldwin in Fighting Racism, Anthony Bateza
Chapter 6 God’s Word Spoken Publicly, Boldly, and Honestly, Amy Reumann
Discussion Questions 
