Fortress Press

Historicism and Its Problems: The Logical Problem of the Philosophy of History

Historicism and Its Problems

The Logical Problem of the Philosophy of History

Ernst Troeltsch (Author), Garrett E. Paul (Translator), David Reid (Translator)


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This is a translation of Ernst Troeltsch's last (1923) major work. It is an exhaustive study of the methods of historiography and of German, French, English, and Italian philosophies of history during the nineteenth century. It is motivated by the purpose of developing the proper concept of historical development, for overcoming "bad" historicism (i.e., unlimited relativism) with "good" historicism (with relativity, not relativism), and determining how values drawn from history can be used to shape the future. It concludes with a sketch of the unwritten second volume on the material philosophy of history.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9798889831402
  • eBook ISBN 9798889831419
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 860
  • Publication Date October 1, 2024