Fortress Press

The Viability of a Sacrificial Theology of Atonement: A Critique and Analysis of Traditional and Transformational Views

The Viability of a Sacrificial Theology of Atonement

A Critique and Analysis of Traditional and Transformational Views

Thomas E. Long (Author)


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In the traditional theology of sacrificial atonement scholars have represented Jesus' death on the cross as the ultimate redemptive sacrifice for the world. Repeated critiques of this traditional understanding have given rise to rise alternative understandings of Jesus' death on the cross. This book provides an analysis of the traditional theology of atonement and a commentary on the criticisms that have surfaced, and provides an evaluation of the Colin E. Gunton contribution to the discourse.

  • Publisher Lutheran University Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781932688900
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 126
  • Publication Date June 28, 2006