Fortress Press

Christ as Sacrament and Example: Luther's Theology of the Cross and its Relevance for South Asia

Christ as Sacrament and Example

Luther's Theology of the Cross and its Relevance for South Asia

Jjamak Neeraj Ekka (Author)


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It is theologically imperative to face the issues of plurality of religions and poverty of the masses in South Asia. The questions of what does it mean to be a Christian and what is the relevance of church in this context are not merely matters of academic concern. Martin Luther's theology of the cross understands Jesus Christ as the sacrament and example. Luther's uncompromising claim that Jesus Christ is the final revelation of God on the cross for the sake of salvation and the inevitable implication of the cross enable believers to be open towards other faiths and seek existence only in reference to that of God s vulnerability. This book explores the significance of Luther's theologia crucis as a viable resource for contextual theology amidst plurality of faiths and the massive poverty in South Asia. Against the pluralistic theological position that denies uniqueness and finality to Jesus Christ, the author argues that the concerns of genuine sensitivity towards other religions, liberation, justice, and peace can be adequately addressed within the framework of Luther's theology of the cross.

  • Publisher Lutheran University Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781932688245
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 218
  • Publication Date August 15, 2007