Fortress Press

Theology of the Heart: The Role of Mysticism in the Theology of Martin Luther

Theology of the Heart

The Role of Mysticism in the Theology of Martin Luther

Bengt R. Hoffman (Author), Pearl Willemssen Hoffman (Translator)


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Bengt Hoffman elevates Christian spirituality and spiritual formation as proper subjects for serious theological study. This book reveals Luther's mystical experience of God in a prayerful life to be essential in the development of his theology. It shows how the spiritual life is essential to Luther's understanding of the gospel. Balanced by his emphasis on the "external Word" Luther's experience of the divine was a critical influence on his understanding of faith and salvation.

  • Publisher Lutheran University Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781886513556
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 298
  • Publication Date March 1, 2003