Fortress Press

A Missional Reading of the Fourth Gospel: A Gospel-Driven Theology of Discipleship

A Missional Reading of the Fourth Gospel

A Gospel-Driven Theology of Discipleship

Sung Chan Kwon (Author)


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The Fourth Gospel has contributed to the church's thinking on several theological themes. This book studies the missiology of the Gospel by reading it from a missional perspective. The author does not seek to find a predefined mission within the Gospel of John, but seeks instead to discover the central message of the Gospel from a missional point of view. Thus, the author reads the whole story of the Gospel from a missional perspective. The author divides John into four parts: 1:1-2:12 provides a Johannine grand narrative of the missional God as an introduction for the rest of the Gospel; 2:13-12:50 reveals a twofold ministry of Jesus (his encounters with the Jews demolishing the pride of their natural descent) and his interactions with individuals, particularly the marginalized, building a new community through those who believe in him; 13:1-17:26 addresses Jesus's exclusive interaction with his disciples where he explains what is expected of the discipleship community; 18:1-21:25 includes the achievement of Christ through his crucifixion and resurrection. The implications of these readings for mission, particularly for the concept of missio Dei, form a conclusion.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506497280
  • eBook ISBN 9781506497297
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 205
  • Publication Date April 25, 2023