Fortress Press

Ezekiel: The Prophet and His Message


The Prophet and His Message

Ralph W. Klein (Author)


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Ezekiel was an ordinary person, called "mortal" by God more often than his own name. Yet because of the radical times, Ezekiel reacted in a radical way through his unusual lifestyle and his sharp theological diagnosis. His important message about judgment and hope came at a critical moment of Israel's history.

This volume is not a biography about the prophet Ezekiel. It is a literary and theological analysis of a biblical document left behind by a nearly anonymous and mostly unknown prophet. Ralph W. Klein analyzes the shape of the book, deciphers its imagery, comments on its technical vocabulary, and relates its parts to one another.

Ezekiel's passionate diagnosis of the incompatibility between the failings of ancient Israel and the potential for its ongoing history also calls into question modern assumptions about the inevitable viability of synagogue, church, and society. His nearly unbounded optimism about the radical transformations that can be expected when God dwells with people has important implications for all heirs of the prophet in the community of the faithful who know that the name of their city is--or ought to be--"Yahweh is there."

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506491974
  • eBook ISBN 9781506492001
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 209
  • Publication Date March 12, 2024


"The survey Klein presents of Ezekiel's message is well done and clearly presented . . . Klein has provided a fine overview of the message of Ezekiel and in so doing has afforded the reader a glimpse into this enigmatic prophet and into the religion of ancient Israel. The book is well worth reading."

Michael L. Barre, The Journal of Religion

"The writing of this volume reflects years of devoted attention to the book of Ezekiel for the benefit of seminary students, clergy, and laity, and it is intended for these wider constituencies."

Leslie C. Allen, Hebrew Studies