Fortress Press

The Serendipity of Life's Encounters

The Serendipity of Life's Encounters

Ann Loades (Author)


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Reflecting on the particular challenges facing a schoolgirl of the 1950s attracted to the possibility of going to university to read theology, and on her path to becoming the first woman to be given a personal Chair at the University of Durham, professor emerita of divinity at the same, an honorary professor at the University of St. Andrews, and a CBE for "services to theology," Ann Loades introduces some of the key tenets of her theological thinking, including about theodicy, women in theology, worship, engagement with actual living, and biography and theology in various writers.

In the My Theology series, the world's leading Christian thinkers explain some of the principal tenets of their theological beliefs in concise, pocket-sized books. 

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506484457
  • eBook ISBN 9781506484464
  • Dimensions 5 x 7
  • Pages 96
  • Publication Date April 26, 2022