Fortress Press

Evangelical and Frontier Mission: Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel

Evangelical and Frontier Mission

Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel

Beth Snodderly (Editor), A. Scott Moreau (Editor)


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The centennial celebrations of the Edinburgh 1910 conference offered Christians of all stripes multiple opportunities to reflect on the past century of mission. Over the course of the twentieth century, one of the stories of the church that has moved toward center stage is the growth of evangelicalism around the world. While certainly until the late 1980s this went largely unnoticed among the academic elite of the world, even so by then the vast majority of the missionaries serving to and from every corner of the globe were being framed in some way by this evangelical surge. As we reflect on the past century, then, the stories of the evangelical world church deserve to be heard.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506476001
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 312
  • Publication Date December 16, 2020