Fortress Press

Discipling the Church: A Study of Christian Education in the Anglican Church of Myanmar

Discipling the Church

A Study of Christian Education in the Anglican Church of Myanmar

Saw Maung Doe (Author)


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Christian education is an essential component of church development and transformation. Due to the low level of Christian education among lay mission workers, the growth of the Diocese of Yangon was almost stagnant from 1877 on. Such a low level of Christian education in the diocese is mainly due to the failure of the successive bishops in not training lay workers and lay leaders since the formation of the diocese. They may have worked hard for the mission but made very little provision for the development of lay ministry. Therefore, to move the diocese one step forward, all bishops and clergy need to understand the importance of training lay workers, catechists, and the heads of all the lay departments.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506475585
  • Dimensions 6 X 9
  • Pages 296
  • Publication Date December 16, 2020