Fortress Press

Charismatic Leadership in Islam: The Powerful Position of Sufi Shaikhs in Bosnia

Charismatic Leadership in Islam

The Powerful Position of Sufi Shaikhs in Bosnia

Dejan Aždajić (Author)


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To understand Islam, one must understand the people who practice this faith. Consequently, this book is a detailed ethnographic study of two contemporary Sufi communities. It explores the perplexing range of theological and ritual variation, arguing for a direct correlation between Sufi multiformity and the agency of the spiritual leader, the Shaikh. He is principally responsible for shaping the community under his leadership.

This work gives fascinating close-up pictures of the roles of two Sufi leaders. It is arresting, both on account of the two stories themselves and due to the stark differences between them.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506475127
  • Dimensions 6 X 9
  • Pages 88
  • Publication Date December 16, 2020