Fortress Press

Embracing Diversity: Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America

Embracing Diversity

Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America

Darrell Jodock (Author), William Nelsen (Author)


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Throughout its history, America has been confronted with two alternative views of its identity. Is it, according to one argument, a deeply Christian nation called to purity and uniformity in the face of a challenging world? Or is it, according to the other argument, a beacon of hope and openness, a land in which a variety of people can work side by side in justice and for a common good?

In this timely and needed book, the authors challenge readers--especially readers in Christian communities--to step up to the promise of an America that works for the good of everyone who calls this nation home.

Certainly, part of that challenge is recognizing where America has failed, and the authors do not step back from that challenge. But a tone of hope prevails throughout as a gracious and compelling case is made that America's better angels exist and can motivate us to create a more just society

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506471594
  • eBook ISBN 9781506471600
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 188
  • Publication Date November 9, 2021


"What a gift and a challenge this book is. I have been challenged and blessed to walk with these pastors and teachers as their bishop. Now you can experience their vision that we as Christians and as Americans might live with joy a life in which we engage the work of racial reconciliation and the joy of living in relationship with people of many faiths and cultures."

Jon Anderson, former bishop, Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA

"It is indeed time to embrace, not fear, the growing racial and religious diversity in America. This timely, challenging, and well-written book calls all of us to take seriously the gospel message to love our neighbors, without exception."

Serene Jones, president, Union Theological Seminary

"This book will inspire you to welcome the racial and religious diversity of twenty-first-century America. Moreover, it will provide you with the frameworks and skills necessary to help our nation become a thriving pluralistic democracy--the first ever in human history."

Eboo Patel, founder, Interfaith Youth Core

"This is an urgent message in a moment of crisis."

Jim Winkler, president and general secretary, National Council of Churches