Fortress Press

Unspoiled Endings: Reclaiming the Book of Revelation from Misuse and Neglect

Unspoiled Endings

Reclaiming the Book of Revelation from Misuse and Neglect

Christopher T. Holmes (Author)


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In Unspoiled Endings, Christopher T. Holmes seeks to address two general but ultimately inadequate approaches to the book of Revelation. On the one hand, some obsess about decoding its symbolic language and providing a proper timetable for understanding the end times. On the other hand, many simply disregard or neglect Revelation altogether because of its strange or unsettling contents. Unspoiled Endings offers a historical, literary, and theological reading that offers an alternative to both tendencies and explains how and why Revelation relates to the life of faith. It serves as a corrective to those whose understanding of Revelation has been shaped more by the Left Behind series than by the book itself, and as an invitation to those who otherwise would never think to read or study the book. Each chapter presents a feature or characteristic of Revelation that contemporary readers can "reclaim" to make Revelation a more relevant and invigorating resource for contemporary Christians.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506469317
  • eBook ISBN 9781506469324
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 179
  • Publication Date August 27, 2024


Guides to Revelation generally tell readers what the book meant when it was written. Christopher Holmes shows us why we need to pay attention to Revelation. A natural teacher, Holmes provides the information we need in order to allow Revelation to shape our imagination, our discipleship, and our worship.

Greg Carey, professor of New Testament, Lancaster Theological Seminary, and author of Using Our Outside Voice: Public Biblical Interpretation

Unspoiled Endings is a gift to the church. It provides a clear and accessible introduction to the book of Revelation. Holmes's treatment of Revelation is attuned to its key theological themes and the way these can aid the church's worship, witness, and work in the twenty-first century. This will be a wonderful aid to church small groups and Sunday school classes who want to reclaim Revelation from the pitfalls of misuse or neglect.

Rev. Dr. Alexander P. Thompson, assistant professor of religion, Tennessee Wesleyan University; pastor of Cedar Springs and Niota United Methodist Church; and author of O Come Emmanuel: An Advent Study

In a world where Revelation is often ignored or obsessed over, Christopher Holmes offers an intelligent, approachable, nuanced, and engaging guide to this biblical text. This book offers an interpretation of Revelation that both locates it in its ancient context and demonstrates how John addresses pastoral, political, and communal issues. Holmes's excellent introduction highlights key themes like hope, prophecy, justice, and worship to point out how this ancient text continues to speak to the contemporary church. I highly recommend this for those wishing to understand Revelation more deeply.

Robyn Whitaker, associate professor of New Testament, University of Divinity, and director of the Wesley Centre for Theology, Ethics, and Public Policy