Fortress Press

Made, Known, Loved: Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry

Made, Known, Loved

Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry

Ross Murray (Author)


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Through the debates about the inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life of the church, one overlooked community is LGBTQ youth. Made, Known, Loved: Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry builds on experience and wisdom cultivated through The Naming Project, a ministry created at the intersection of youth, faith, and LGBTQ identity.

Formed at a time when the overlap of such categories was unthinkable, The Naming Project provides a place where youth of all sexual orientations and gender identities can be safe and affirmed in their identity and faith. Because of that foundational work, other pastors and youth ministers often reach out to leaders of The Naming Project with their questions about LBGTQ-inclusive youth ministry. Made, Known, Loved provides the guidance these leaders have been asking for.

The book first helps congregation leaders and parents examine the values of the congregation and youth group. It focuses on keeping young people, including LGBTQ youth, safe and helping them feel respected and see themselves as beloved children of God. The book also provides a how-to manual for LGBTQ-inclusive youth ministry, sharing the best procedures and practices from the fifteen-plus years of The Naming Project's ministry, including its ongoing summer camp.

Made, Known, Loved shows congregations how to create a program that affirms LGBTQ youth in their faith and their identity, accepts and welcomes diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, and equips future leaders for the church and the LGBTQ community.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506468006
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 199
  • Publication Date April 20, 2021

Table of Contents

1 What Questions Should I Be Asking about LGBTQ Youth Ministry?
2 What if I Encounter Resistance Establishing an LGBTQ Youth Ministry?
3 Should I Set up a Program Exclusively for LGBTQ Youth? Or Just Practice Inclusivity?
4 How Much Should We Focus on Issues Other than Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity?
5 How Jesus-y Should Our Program Be?
6 What do LGBTQ Youth Want to Be Called?
7 What Is the Big Deal About Names?
8 How Can the Church Help Youth Wrestle with Identity Questions?
9 What Holy Days and Rituals Do LGBTQ Youth Observe? Are These Even Christian?
10 What Rituals Exist for Personal LGBTQ Milestones?
11 When Should We Be Serious and Heavy? When Should We Be Fun and Campy?
12 What Part of an LGBTQ Youth's Story Do I Need to Believe?
13 When Should I Keep Confidence and When Should I Report?
14 What Kind of Adult Should Lead LGBTQ Youth Ministry?
15 What Relationship Guidelines Can the Church Teach LGBTQ Youth?
16 What is Faithful LGBTQ Sex Education?
17 When Is It Important to Know a Person's Gender? Why Would It Be Necessary?
18 What about Sleeping Arrangements?
19 I've Divided Youth into Small Groups by Gender. What Should I Do Now?
20 How Can We Queer the Youth Ministry Experience?
21 What about Queering Youth Ministry Songs?
22 How Might LGBTQ Youth Influence Bible Study?
23 What About Working With Other Ministry Organizations That Don't Share My Values about LGBTQ People?
24 What Happens To LGBTQ Youth outside My Youth Group?
25 Now What?
Appendix A Resources on the Christian Argument for LGBTQ Equality and Acceptance
Appendix B LGBTQ Christian Organizations
Appendix C LGBTQ Holy Days
Appendix D Other Helpful Resources