Fortress Press

World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity

World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity

Moses O. Biney (Volume Editor), Kenneth N. Ngwa (Volume Editor), Raimundo C. Barreto (Volume Editor)


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World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity argues that urban centers, particularly the largest cities, do not only offer places for people to live, shop, and seek entertainment, but deeply shape people's ethics, behavior, sense of justice, and how they learn to become human. Given that religious participation and institutions are vital to individual and communal life, particularly in urban centers, this interdisciplinary volume seeks to provide insights into the interaction between urban change, religious formation, and practice and to understand how these shape individual and group identities in a world that is increasingly urban.

World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity is part of the multi-volume series World Christianity and Public Religion. The series seeks to become a platform for intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, and to facilitate opportunities for interaction between scholars across the Global South and those in other parts of the world.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506448473
  • eBook ISBN 9781506448480
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 320
  • Publication Date February 9, 2021


"World Christianity, Urbanization and Identity is a landmark volume that represents a remarkable contribution to the study of world Christianity. This volume engages with crucial methodological, sociological, historiographic, ethical and theological issues regarding the complex relationship between Christianity and the city. Taken together, the essays in this book critically analyze not only several ways in which processes of urbanization help construct Christian identities, but also how Christian formations and developments have influenced urban arrangements."

João P. Chaves, Hispanic Theological Initiative

"In an age of fascination with AI and discussions about the posthuman future in light of the seemingly fragile ecosystem of existence, these essays prove the resilience of the human and how and why religion, especially Christianity, continues to be the wellspring of human identity and formation, even in urban areas where the risk of a false or fragmented--or even the loss of--identity is an oft inescapable possibility. Ultimately, one thing is clear: in many ways, in biblical parlance and on a scale of biblical proportion, each essay affirms that salvation comes to and from the City--the confluence of all peoples, there one finds the God of all the earth. This book is a doxological moment in world Christianity."

Esther E. Acolatse, Knox College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto