Fortress Press

Tribe: Why Do All Our Friends Look Just Like Us?


Why Do All Our Friends Look Just Like Us?

Sandra M. Unger (Author)


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Tribe explores the issues of reciprocity in cross-race and cross-class relationships using stories, narrative, and sociological insights and perspectives derived from urban fieldwork and the author's own life. The volume examines the social and structural barriers to the formation of these kinds of relationships, as well as the transformations that can take place as these barriers are overcome. Stories, interviews, and empirically driven narratives are interwoven with theory from the fields of adult education, economics, sociology, ethics, theology, and history.

After exploring the barriers to the formation of these relationships and the potential of adults for learning new ways of thinking and being, the book makes the case that there are communal and individual benefits to these relationships that far outweigh the difficulties in forming them. The book is set up to answer the questions "Why does it matter if all my friends look just like me?" and "How do I leave behind a siloed existence to live a fully transformational and socially aware life?"

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506446264
  • eBook ISBN 9781506446271
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 262
  • Publication Date September 29, 2020


"The deeply personal framework of Tribe, combined with Sandra Mayes Unger's ironic wit and self-effacing humor, make this one of the most informative, enjoyable, poignant, convicting, and humor-filled books on racism and classism you're likely to ever read! If the racial and socio-economic divide in our country and within the American church bothers you (and it should), I strongly recommend you read this powerful book!"
Greg Boyd, senior pastor, Woodland Hills Church (St. Paul, MN), author of Inspired Imperfection: How the Bible's Problems Enhance Its Divine Authority
"In this carefully crafted book, Sandra Mayes Unger uncovers the major obstacles to building bridges of human relationships 'between tribes' and offers strategies to overcome those obstacles. Tribe should particularly appeal to theologians, educators, leaders, sociologists, and those who wish to embrace our global kinship in Christ."
Jean-Pierre Bongila, University of St. Thomas
"In her book Tribe, Sandra Mayes Unger brings into alignment a series of all-too-rare juxtapositions--practical insight informed by academic rigor, personal experience grounded in authentic relationships, and--most importantly--a living example of flourishing human community arising from the very differences that, so often, threaten the very possibility of community itself. This is a remarkable book that offers hope, inspiration, and wisdom for all who seek to walk in the ways of love and justice."
Paul Rhodes Eddy, Bethel University