Fortress Press

Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True: Why Youth Ministry Needs Science

Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True

Why Youth Ministry Needs Science

Sara Sybesma Tolsma (Author), Jason Lief (Author)


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Science is not a danger to the faith of Christian youth. In fact, Sara Sybesma Tolsma, an award-winning scientist, and Jason Lief, a leading practical theologian, argue that youth ministry needs science to help young people explore their relationship to God and engage their world faithfully.

Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True invites the church and its leaders to open their minds and hearts to what science can tell us about our human lives and our connections to, and role in, our natural world. But it does not stop there: evolutionary science is theological, argues Lief and Tolsma, and so it must have a central place in the day-to-day work of youth ministry.

If the church wants to help youth develop robust spiritual lives and prepare them for the challenges that life will bring them, pastors, faith leaders, and youth workers must not only engage science but embrace its lessons for the life and practice of Christian faith today.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506439730
  • eBook ISBN 9781506440125
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 325
  • Publication Date May 7, 2019


Jason Lief and Sara Sybesma Tolsma return to the original, reminding us that indeed Jesus loves us, and at the same time evolution may offer us the best picture of the origins and continued diversity of our material existence

"A few years ago, George Levine published a book called Darwin Loves You. He admitted in the preface that he ripped off his title from a bumper sticker that said 'Jesus Loves You.' Levine recognized the need for evolution to say something about beauty, art, and purpose. Jason Lief and Sara Sybesma Tolsma return to the original, reminding us that indeed Jesus loves us, and at the same time evolution may offer us the best picture of the origins and continued diversity of our material existence. Believing this doesn't oppose a deep confession in the love and mystery of Jesus Christ but can, with imaginative integration, take us somewhere deeper. Lief and Tolsma, writing as a theologian and scientist, live out this very integration, helping us see how we can address the young Levines in our ministries today."

Andrew Root | Author of "Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies"

Only when science and religion are in conversation with each other can we truly appreciate the wondrous beauty of God's good creation.

"This is a wonderful book because we live in an age where science and religion are still seen to be in conflict, as if science and religion actually oppose each other. Nothing could be further from the truth. The authors, a biologist and a theologian, have thought through carefully, and in conversation with each other, some of the key stumbling blocks science presents to religion, and show how clear scientific explanation actually can enhance and deepen our understanding of God's work in creation. This book is helpful in a wide variety of educational forums, from high school into adult life, because it deepens our understanding of theology and science as two different ways of making sense of the one world. Only when science and religion are in conversation with each other can we truly appreciate the wondrous beauty of God's good creation."

Ilia Delio, Villanova University, author of "Care For Creation"

Table of Contents

Introduction: Asking Good Questions
1. Making Connections: Science and Faith
2. Basketball and Barth: Why Youth Ministry Needs Evolution
3. Adam and Lucy: What Evolution Says about Being Human
4. The Cross and Creation: St. Francis, Evolution, and the Love of God
5. Tending the Garden: What Evolution Says about Our Future
6. Jesus Can Hit a Curve Ball: What It Means to Be Made in the Image of God
7. When Darwin Wept: Redeeming Suffering and Death
8. Embracing Our Animal: Youth Ministry in a Secular World