Fortress Press

Shaking the Gates of Hell: Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization, Second Edition

Shaking the Gates of Hell

Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization, Second Edition

Sharon Delgado (Author)


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Shaking the Gates of Hell: Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization breaks new ground by describing the global economy and its effects from the perspective of an integrated theology of "the earth as primary revelation" and the institutional powers of this world. It reaches the conclusion that hope lies in nonviolent resistance and ecological and social responsibility based on God's action in Jesus and in the triumph of God over the powers. This book describes today's interrelated social, economic, and ecological crises and makes the case that we face a living hell on earth if we do not address them. It provides an overview of the global economic system and offers a comprehensive theological analysis of the network of primary institutions that make up what Walter Wink calls the "Domination System." It points readers in the direction of hope based on following the way of Jesus, who lived in nonviolent resistance to the powers of his day. This new, revised edition continues the powerful story of the original, extending the analysis of the global economy from the 2008 collapse and recession to its alleged recovery. It addresses the Obama administration's policies on economics, trade, and the environment, and provides further reflections on American foreign and military policy in this so-called New American Century.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506432847
  • eBook ISBN 9781506432854
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 340
  • Publication Date January 7, 2020


I read this book with a moved heart and new encouragement.

"This book is authentic and convincing with personal experience and a great vision. In many corners of the world there is a new paradigm emerging, the earth community and participatory democracy, versus the old, outdated, and destructive paradigm of corporate globalization. Get out of apathy. A better world is possible. I read this book with a moved heart and new encouragement."

Jürgen Moltmann | University of Tübingen

This book speaks hard truth to hard power.

"This book speaks hard truth to hard power––it's unsparing, and that's what we need. It's also loving in the (not so easy) way that the Gospels are loving."

Bill McKibben | founder of

This book doesn't just shake, it rocks!

"This book doesn't just shake, it rocks! Delgado offers a powerful account, lucid and lyrical, of the crossroads before us: the 'corporate security state' or the better world that is possible. This book makes it a bit more possible. For Christians who care about the earth and about humanity, for students of theology, activists, and church leaders: here is inspiration and information, proclamation and empowerment."

Catherine Keller | Drew Theological School

Looks upon the demonic without flinching 

"Among the strengths of Sharon Delgado's book is her theological eye for the 'principalities and powers' of our global situation. To the sweep of her social vision, her biblical lens adds depth and dimension. Her capacity to look upon the demonic without flinching is inseparable from our hope in this present age."

Bill Wylie-Kellermann | activist and author

 A sign of abiding love and commitment to justice.

"With clarity, nuance, and verbal artistry, Sharon Delgado's Shaking the Gates of Hell offers invaluable guidance to all who seek moral-spiritual wisdom, vision, and power for resisting the demands of the corporate- and finance-driven global economy and forging more equitable and ecological alternatives. Her piercing analysis comes with a moving invitation to join with Jesus in his unrelenting and compassion-driven resistance to systemic powers that thwart God's gracious gift of life in its fullness for all. Holy hope and honesty ring throughout this powerful volume. It is a sign of abiding love and commitment to justice and will nurture both in its readers."

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda | Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Church Divinity School of the Pacific

This book is not an easy read but a hopeful and necessary one.

"Sharon Delgado, ever the prophet calling us back to the way of Jesus, is once again overturning the tables outside the temples of greed and empire. Hers is a vision into a world that can be, indeed that must be if we are to survive. Key is the realization that the idolizing of mammon, through corporate globalization, brings with it climate change, permanent war, and gross inequity. Though the problems are material, the roots are spiritual and so are the solutions. This book is not an easy read but a hopeful and necessary one."

Jim Winkler | National Council of the Churches of Christ

Shaking the Gates of Hell integrates prophecy and action.

"Sharon Delgado's Shaking the Gates of Hell integrates prophecy and action. Delgado shows that unless we learn to shake the gates of the corporate hell taking over the planet, its creatures have no future. Yet, through faith-led, nonviolent resistance, the gates of hell can fall, the reign of God can open up. As Delgado's transforming conclusion at a Cancun WTO meeting shows, anything is possible if we have the faith to join the movement and shake those gates."

James Douglass | peace activist and author

Shaking the Gates of Hell is essential Christian reading.

"The brutality most people face today is not from wars but from violent interactions with the corporate security state. To understand private armies in Nigeria or militarized police in Ferguson, one must unmask the idols of corporate globalization––'the Devil made fleshless.' Delgado's well-researched chapters move between the political and the personal, the heights of global finance and the gritty, joyous lives of Mexican farmers, preachers, water defenders, and street protesters. There is a way out, but it requires choosing resistance as a way of life, not as a meme or a muscle twitch as the water we're in gets hotter. Shaking the Gates of Hell is essential Christian reading for getting coordinates on who Jesus the Resister is today."

Rose Marie Berger | Sojourners

This is a handbook for the next generation of grassroots social-change activists.

"In this book, Delgado offers a truly incarnational theology from the heart of her social location, clearly discerning the 'signs of our times'––environmental devastation, economic domination, and violence––while reminding us of the power of biblical hope. This is a handbook for the next generation of grassroots social-change activists."

Ched Myers | activist and author

Delgado points the way toward a melioristic future.

"Delgado's realistic and blistering critique of our unjust, unsustainable, and death-dealing global social, economic, and political systems is a rebuke of any naively optimistic view that humanity will simply find a way to make everything alright. But it is not an invitation to sink into the apathy and despair of pessimism. With powerful clarity, Delgado points the way toward a melioristic future in which we just might find a way to survive if we work like hell to face the fierce urgency of now."

Mark Davies | Oklahoma City University

Delgado prepares Christians for faith-led resistance as a way of life.

"Delgado names and then unmasks the myths, laws, and practices that sustain global corporate reach and suck the moral fiber out of well-meaning Christians. Reflecting on her participation in nonviolent direct resistance against these powers and describing movements for global justice––such as they have emerged in Chiapas, Cochabamba, Nigeria, Argentina, India, and Kenya––Delgado prepares Christians for faith-led resistance as a way of life."

Carol S. Robb | San Francisco Theological Seminary