Fortress Press

Theology and the Globalized Present: Feasting in the Future of God

Theology and the Globalized Present

Feasting in the Future of God

John C. McDowell (Author), Ashley John Moyse (Editor), Scott A. Kirkland (Editor)


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Theology and the Globalized Present focuses on the world’s future in God and God’s creativeness. In response to a globalized economy that reconfigures time to the detriment of human flourishing, McDowell presents a re-imagined theological vision. This vision offers a constructive retemporalizing interrogation and eschatological memory, and suggestions for beginning that are teased out broadly with reference to Eucharistic performance. This entails not so much a dreaming of a different world as a dreaming of this world differently. The theological materials offer a temporality that is hope-generating, critically attentive to the inequitable character of features of our world, and educative of ethical wisdom in a self-regulating and emancipatory witness of remembering and anticipating the transformative presence of God.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506431611
  • eBook ISBN 9781506456119
  • Dimensions 5 x 7
  • Pages 120
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019