“The celebration of the reformation jubilee in 2017, fortunately, will be an ecumenical event. Times of confessional quarrels have passed – differences might still be noted, but not in terms of polemics and principal division. So, Remembering the Reformation: Martin Luther and Catholic Theology is the book right in time: It shows how deep the medieval roots of Luther’s theology are, willingly or not; how catholic theologians dealt with his impact; and, most impressive, what Catholics still are willing to take up from Luther. A book to learn about past and future!”
The dramatic unfolding of events after Martin Luther's revolutionary act led to the ultimate, and seemingly irreparable, fissure with Roman Catholicism: excommunication and schism. Remembering the Reformation enters into this history and pursues a more nuanced reading of Luther's relationship with the Catholic tradition, from his Augustinian roots and medieval training to his reading of scripture and investigations of ecclesiology, as well as his continued relevance and challenge to Catholic theology. An international consortium of scholars, Catholic and Protestant, contribute to this volume and provide a thoughtful reimagining of Luther.
- Publisher Fortress Press
- Format Hardcover
- ISBN 9781506423371
- eBook ISBN 9781506423289
- Dimensions 6 x 9
- Pages 274
- Publication Date February 1, 2017
Foreword—Margot Käßmann
Historical Foundations
1. 1517: A Landmark of World History—Heinz Schilling
2. Luther among the Catholics, 1520–2015—Peter Marshall
Luther and the Medieval Tradition
3. Luther and the Legacy of Augustine—Phillip Cary
4. Martin Luther and Scholasticism—Theodor Dieter
5. “In her soul, a woman is not different from a man”: How Scholastic was Luther’s View of Women?—Charlotte Methuen
Luther and Catholic Theology
6. Luther and Vatican II: The Lutheran Observers and their Assessment of Lumen Gentium and Unitatis Redintegratio—Peter de Mey
7. Luther and the Theology of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI—James Corkery
8. Simul iustus et peccator: Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Controversial Lutheran Phrase—Pieter de Witte
What Can Catholics Learn from Luther?
9. Luther and the Role of Images—Gesa E. Thiessen
10. Luther and the Reading of Scripture—Risto Saarinen
11. The Common Priesthood: Luther’s Enduring Challenge—Christine Helmer
Epilogue—David Bagchi
Review on Catholic Books Review
Review in Irish Theological Quarterly
Review in Renaissance Quarterly
Review in Church History
The book right in time
An important and stimulating contribution
“This collection of articles covering different aspects of historical research on Martin Luther and his theology as well as some questions of his reception and interpretation in recent times is an attempt of Lutheran and Catholic theologians to commemorate together the Reformation and its impact on the churches and their theologies. The articles included here question specific aspects of the traditional image of Luther and his followers or shed new light on them. This collection is an important and stimulating contribution for the future dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Lutheran churches on different levels.”
Never fails to captivate the reader
"Martin Luther and the continuing challenges of reforming church, culture and society are assessed here through ecumenical, global and transconfessional perspectives. Discussing the differentiation of Christian faith in the emerging modern era superbly serves the ongoing mutual learning process in Christian churches about their shared Reformation heritage. Throughout this exciting book the study of Martin Luther’s personal faith in context provides religious energy and theological subtlety and never fails to captivate the reader."