Fortress Press

Thirsty for God: A Brief History of Christian Spirituality, Third Edition

Thirsty for God

A Brief History of Christian Spirituality, Third Edition

Bradley P. Holt (Author)


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A landmark text on the history of Christian spirituality embarks on the journey afresh. This accessible and engaging history provides an excellent primer on the two-millennium experience of the presence of God, a “thirst” at the center of Christian life and practice. Holt traces the spiritual practices of Christian devotion, prayer, action, and contemplation from the biblical and influential early periods through the diverse insights of Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Christians. Globally framed, the book highlights the local contributions of people from all continents, a wide array of traditions and perspectives as unified yet diverse voices. They give witness to the thirst for God who graciously supplies living water.

This new edition not only updates all the chapters and features but also adds new chapters on interfaith spirituality, ecology and spirituality, and spiritual practice in the digital age. Excerpts and illustrations from primary sources, maps, a glossary, a timeline, new bibliographies, and sets of spiritual exercises heighten the book’s usefulness for students and lay persons alike. 

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451487947
  • eBook ISBN 9781506432540
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 320
  • Publication Date August 15, 2017




1. What Is Christian Spirituality?

2. The Bible and the Four Relationships

3. The Beginning of a Global Community

4. The European Era

5. Protestant and Catholic Reform

6. The “Modern” Era

7. The West since 1900

8. The Non-Western World since 1900

9. Interfaith Spirituality for Christians

10. Christian Spirituality and Ecology

Afterword: Spirituality and Digital Technology

Appendix: Timeline


Index of Names

Index of Subjects 


The most reliable, accessible and engaging introduction to Christian spirituality.

"When I first taught the history of Christian spirituality there were very few texts on this subject. That was when I discovered this book. Now over 20 years later this is still the most reliable, accessible and engaging introduction. With this new third edition Brad Holt continues to be a wise and welcoming guide to students, pastors and lay people. The addition of balanced and insightful chapters on the intersection of Christian spirituality with world religions, ecology, and technology bring a contemporary freshness to this study. I still highly recommend Thirsty for God and will be using it with my new students!"

Tom Schwanda | Wheaton College