We are constantly engaged in processing data and sensory inputs all around us, even when we are not conscious of the many neural pathways our minds are traveling. So taking a step back to ponder the dimensions and practices of a particular way of thinking is a challenge. Even more important, however, is cultivating the habits of mind necessary in a life of ministry. This book, therefore, will grapple with the particular ways that the theological disciplines invite students to think but also the ways in which thinking theologically shapes a student’s sense of self and his or her role in a wider community of belief and thought. Thinking theologically is not just a cerebral matter; thinking theologically invokes an embodied set of practices and values that shape individuals and communities alike. Thinking theologically demands both intellect and emotion, logic and compassion, mind and body. In fact, this book—as part of the Foundations for Learning series—will contend that these binaries are actually integrated wholes, not mutually exclusive options.
- Publisher Fortress Press
- Format Paperback
- ISBN 9781451483413
- eBook ISBN 9781451494211
- Dimensions 6 x 9
- Pages 100
- Publication Date January 1, 2015
Introduction—Eric D. Barreto
1. Thinking Mindfully—Jennifer M. Shepherd
2. Thinking Bodily—Lance Jonathan Peeler
3. Thinking Pastorally—Jessicah Krey Duckworth
4. Thinking Biblically—Mariam Kamell
5. Thinking Historically—Adam Ployd
6. Thinking Systematically—Amy Marga
7. Thinking Ethically—Matilde Moros
8. Thinking Socially—Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder
9. Thinking Spiritually—Cláudio Carvalhaes
More Thinking: Bibliography of Additional Resources
Introduction—Eric D. Barreto
1. Thinking Mindfully—Jennifer M. Shepherd
2. Thinking Bodily—Lance Jonathan Peeler
3. Thinking Pastorally—Jessicah Krey Duckworth
4. Thinking Biblically—Mariam Kamell
5. Thinking Historically—Adam Ployd
6. Thinking Systematically—Amy Marga
7. Thinking Ethically—Matilde Moros
8. Thinking Socially—Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder
9. Thinking Spiritually—Cláudio Carvalhaes
More Thinking: Bibliography of Additional Resources
"With as much concern for spiritual formation as intellectual introduction, this reassuring guide invites those entering theological education to do so with integrity of body and spirit, mind and heart.”
—Katherine Turpin
Iliff School of Theology
“Thinking about thinking about thinking is a challenge. The clarity and crispness of these essays makes it enjoyable. The diversity of voices represented pushes young scholars to listen globally and empathetically. I wish this volume had been available when I began seminary and when I tried to help students learn to read the Bible and approach theology lovingly and critically. Now I see an important role for this book as I work with church groups to deepen their relationship with Scripture and to cultivate their minds for a life in ministry.”
—Sharon H. Ringe
Wesley Theological Seminary
“Thinking Theologically is an engaging text that is clearly oriented towards the church and those who are seeking to understand Scripture and theology in light of the world’s complexities.”
—Brian Bantum
Seattle Pacific University and Seminary
—Katherine Turpin
Iliff School of Theology
“Thinking about thinking about thinking is a challenge. The clarity and crispness of these essays makes it enjoyable. The diversity of voices represented pushes young scholars to listen globally and empathetically. I wish this volume had been available when I began seminary and when I tried to help students learn to read the Bible and approach theology lovingly and critically. Now I see an important role for this book as I work with church groups to deepen their relationship with Scripture and to cultivate their minds for a life in ministry.”
—Sharon H. Ringe
Wesley Theological Seminary
“Thinking Theologically is an engaging text that is clearly oriented towards the church and those who are seeking to understand Scripture and theology in light of the world’s complexities.”
—Brian Bantum
Seattle Pacific University and Seminary