Fortress Press

Augustine's Theology of Preaching

Augustine's Theology of Preaching

Peter T. Sanlon (Author)


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Scholarship has painted many pictures of Augustine—the philosophical theologian, the refuter of heresy, or contributor to doctrines like Original Sin—but the picture of Augustine as preacher, says Sanlon, has been seriously neglected. When academics marginalize the Sermones ad Populum, the real Augustine is not presented accurately. In this study, Sanlon does more, however, than rehabilitate a neglected view of Augustine.
How do the theological convictions that Augustine brought to his preaching challenge, sustain, or shape our work today? By presenting Augustine's thought on preaching to contemporary readers Sanlon contributes a major new piece to the ongoing reconsideration of preaching in the modern day, a consideration that is relevant to all branches of the twenty-first century church. 
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451482782
  • eBook ISBN 9781451487602
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 200
  • Publication Date July 1, 2014
