Fortress Press

God—The World's Future: Systematic Theology for a New Era, Third Edition

God—The World's Future

Systematic Theology for a New Era, Third Edition

Ted Peters (Author)


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God—The World’s Future has been a proven textbook in systematic theology for over twenty years. Thoroughly revised and expanded, this third edition is explicitly crafted to address our postmodern context and explains the whole body of Christian historical doctrine from within a “proleptic” framework. Peters skillfully deploys this concept not only to organize the various theological areas or loci but also to rethink doctrines in light of key postmodern challenges from ecumenism, critical historical thinking, contemporary science, and gender and sexuality issues.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451482225
  • eBook ISBN 9781506400419
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 826
  • Publication Date August 1, 2015


Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Part I: Theology’s Context and Method
1. Addressing the Postmodern Person
2. Explicating the Christian Symbols
Part II: The Fountain of Creation
3. God the Trinity
4. God and Continuing Creation
5. Becoming Human and Unbecoming Evil
Part III: The Foretaste of New Creation
6. The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
7. The Work and Person of Jesus Christ
8. The Gift of Justification
Part IV: The Life of the New Creation
9. The Holy Spirit
10. The Church
11. Eschatology
Part V: Proleptic Cocreation
12. Ecumenic Pluralism
13. Astrotheology
14. Proleptic Ethics