Fortress Press

Joy and Human Flourishing: Essays on Theology, Culture, and the Good Life

Joy and Human Flourishing

Essays on Theology, Culture, and the Good Life

Miroslav Volf (Editor), Justin E. Crisp (Editor)


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With contributions from Jürgen Moltmann, N. T. Wright, Marianne Meye Thompson, Mary Clark Moschella, Charles Mathewes, and Miroslav Volf, this volume puts joy at the very heart of Christian faith and life, exploring joy’s biblical, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical dimensions in concert with close attention to the shifting tides of culture. All together, the volume offers a compelling Christian vision of the good life, showing the connections between joy and themes of creation, theodicy, politics, suffering, pastoral practice, and eschatology. 

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451482072
  • eBook ISBN 9781506402864
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 174
  • Publication Date November 1, 2015

About the Artist

With contributions from Jürgen Moltmann, N. T. Wright, Marianne Meye Thompson, Mary Clark Moschella, Charles Mathewes, and Miroslav Volf, this volume puts joy at the very heart of Christian faith and life...


"If ever a book filled a gap, this is it. Joy is a central component in the New Testament description of life as it is meant to be lived. Yet theologians have given it little attention. Philosophers have done no better. This volume is an excellent beginning at filling that gap. It's ground-breaking."

Nicholas Wolterstorff | Yale University

"It is rare to find a book on joy that is theologically sophisticated, socially relevant, and pastorally helpful, but Volf and Crisp have given us a marvelous volume that is exactly that. These essays will serve us for a very long time with their biblical insights, practical wisdom, and theological clarity. This is not a book you want to miss."


Willie James Jennings | Yale Divinity School

"There was a time, millennia ago, when the vision of shalom received the best reflections that a society's deepest thinkers could give it.  This vision touched the world. We are all indebted to Joy and Human Flourishing for renewing this grand project on a vast and vibrant scale."

John Ortberg | senior pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church