Fortress Press

A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Second Edition

A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible

Second Edition

John J. Collins (Author)


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A marvel of conciseness, John J. Collins’ A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is quickly becoming one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and university classrooms. Here the erudition of Collins’ renowned Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is combined with even more student-friendly features, including charts, maps, photographs, chapter summaries, illuminating vignettes, and bibliographies for further reading. The second edition has been carefully revised to take the latest scholarly developments into account. This dedicated webpage includes test banks and classroom resources for the busy instructor under the Professor and Student tabs.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451472943
  • eBook ISBN 9781451484359
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 336
  • Publication Date July 1, 2014


"I like that the chapter readings from Collins cover the fundamentals of surveying the contents and leave me more time to spend in the classroom on the variety of interpretation."
—Todd Hanneken,
St. Mary's University

"A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible provides the framework and the key themes of individual books of the Old Testament without bogging down the student with too many details."
—Benjamin Nickodemus,
Concordia University, Portland

"Collins' volume meets a long-standing need for an up-to- date and well-informed critical introduction to the Hebrew Bible. A particularly important contribution of this volume is its treatment of the deutero-canonical or apocryphal books. Collins' work stands as a most welcome and highly recommended textbook for both undergradates and seminarians."

—Marvin A. Sweeney, Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University

"Using Collin's textbook is like team-teaching with a master teacher."
—Carol Newsom, Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology

"To now have A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible in a format fashioned especially for the undergraduate course is most welcome."
— James VanderKam, John A. O'Brien Professor of Hebrew Scriptures, University of Notre Dame


To receive the Premade Test and Answer Key for this textbook, contact our Textbook Adoption Consultant

One-Semester sample syllabus from Fortress Press

One-semester sample syllabus

Two-Semester sample syllabi from John J. Collins

Sample Syllabus—Fall Course

Sample Syllabus—Spring Course

Syllabi from current users

History & Literature of the Old Testament, Concordia University, Portland, Benjamin Nickodemus

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament, St. Mary's University, Todd Hanneken

Undergraduate Core Curriculum: In Search of Meaning & Well-Being, Doane College, Dan Clanton


From the First Edition

Research Guide

Study Guide