Fortress Press

The Vine and the Son of Man: Eschatological Interpretation of Psalm 80 in Early Judaism

The Vine and the Son of Man

Eschatological Interpretation of Psalm 80 in Early Judaism

Andrew Streett (Author)


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Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, scholars have traced out the rich and complex traditions of biblical interpretation in Second Temple Judaism. Little attention has been given to Psalm 80, however. Andrew Streett demonstrates that this psalm, which combines the story of Israel as a vine ravaged by others with hope for a “son” of God who will restore the people’s fortunes, became a rich trove for eschatological hope.
This study traces interpretations of Psalm 80 through many texts and argues that the psalm was an important biblical text through which early Christians understood the Christ event.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451472066
  • eBook ISBN 9781451479706
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 232
  • Emerging Scholars category Bible
  • Publication Date February 1, 2014


1. Introduction
2. Psalm 80 in Its Historical Context
3. Psalm 80 and the Edited Psalter
4. Psalm 80 and the Son of Man in Daniel 7
5. Psalm 80 in Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism
6. Psalm 80 and the Son of Man in Mark
7. Psalm 80 in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants
8. Psalm 80 and the True Vine in John 15:1-8
9. Conclusion


Reviewed on My Digital Seminary by Lindsay Kennedy

Reviewed on Unsettled Christianity

Reviewed on Jennifer Guo Blog

Reviewed on Diglotting Blog


"An engaging and persuasive study. Andrew Streett demonstrates that Psalm 80 had a much greater impact upon the writers of the New Testament than recognised hitherto. The Vine and the Son of Man is an important work that should be required reading for everyone interested in the relationship of the Old and New Testaments."
—Nathan MacDonald
University of Cambridge

"In this fine study, Andrew Streett examines the reception history of Psalm 80 in ancient Jewish and Christian literature. In particular, Streett shows how Psalm 80 contributes to the conception of the Son of Man as the one who actualizes the destiny of Israel. Streett has provided an exemplary survey of Psalm 80, which plots the various interpretations that emerged and shows how Psalm 80 provided scriptural impetus for New Testament Christology. The Vine and the Son of Man is a finely written study for anyone interested in biblical intertextuality."
Michael F. Bird
Ridley Melbourne Mission & Ministry College
"Andrew Streett here makes a compelling case that the influence of Psalm 80, despite the fact that it is never directly quoted, can be inferred in several NT tropes, especially the 'vine' image and the 'Son of Man.' The psalm may even have been instrumental in the convergence of several strands of the 'Son of Man' idea evinced in the Gospel tradition. Streett’s study therefore helps resolve one of the great enigmas of NT scholarship: the roots and meaning of the 'Son of Man' in the teaching of Jesus."
Dan G. McCartney
Redeemer Seminary
"Andrew Streett traces the trajectories of Psalm 80’s interpretive journey with methodological rigor, a mastery of the primary texts, and original proposals at every turn. He exposes the great diversity of eschatological interpretations given to this text due to its intriguing content and inherent ambiguity. This is a must read for anyone investigating early interpretation of the psalms, Christological use of the Old Testament, or the Son of Man problem."
William S. Campbell
University of Wales, Trinity Saint David
"In this meticulous, balanced, and commendably clear study, Andrew Streett argues that the redaction history and subsequent interpretations of Psalm 80 increasingly emphasised the psalm’s latent eschatological and messianic potential. Displaying an impressive grasp of ancient Jewish literature, Streett makes a careful and compelling case for the psalm’s hitherto neglected significance as a source for the Son of Man figure in Daniel and influence on Mark's presentation of the Passion and vindication of Jesus."
Paul Middleton
University of Chester